ArtNook - Paper Crafts & Glass Art Project Overview Our Art & Craft Store website specializes in Paper Crafts & Glass Art, providing a platform for users to explore, add, and manage various art and craft items. The website focuses on categories like Card Making, Scrapbooking, Paper Quilling, Origami, Glass Painting, Lampworking, and Glass Dying & Staining. It aims to offer a unique and creative shopping experience for art enthusiasts.
Features User Authentication: Secure login and registration with email/password and social login options. CRUD Operations: Users can add, update, and delete their craft items with ease. Responsive Design: Optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop views. Technology Used Frontend: React, React Router, Tailwind CSS, Daisy UI Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB Other: Firebase for authentication and storage, SweetAlert for notifications How to Run Locally
- Clone the Repository: git clone /~ cd repository-name
- Install dependencies for both frontend and backend: cd client npm install cd ../server npm install 3. Set up environment variables:
Create .env files in both client and server directories. Refer to .env.example files provided for necessary variables (e.g., Firebase config keys, MongoDB credentials).
- Start the backend server: cd server npm start 5. Start the frontend development server:
cd client npm start