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Merge pull request #23 from khaliilhaji/testthat
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Testthat pulling
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scizmeli authored Apr 6, 2017
2 parents e40e2be + f344bb3 commit 58a0bfa
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Showing 5 changed files with 245 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion R/SpcList-Class.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
#' @description Definition for \code{SpcList}, a class to store multiple \code{Spectra}
#' objects inside a list-like object. See the help of the constructor function \code{\link{SpcList}}.
#' @slot .Data list, Inherited R list object
#' @slot by character, Determines the header field in the Spectra objects.
#' @slot by character, Determines the header field in the Spectra objects

#' within the SpcList that describes how they are different one from the other.
#' @export
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion R/Spectra-Methods.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -992,7 +992,6 @@ spc.timeMatch = function(master,searched,returnList=FALSE,method="over",limits,r
stop("Input argument 'searched' needs to either inherit from spacetime::ST class or be a timeBased variable")
out = spacetime::timeMatch(time(master),time(searched),returnList=returnList)
out = sapply(time(master),function(x){mymin = which.min(abs(time(searched)-x))})
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/SpcHeader_tests.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

sptest = spc.example_spectra()
sptest@header = SpcHeaderAdd(sptest@header, sptest@ShortName, 10)
test_that("SpcHeaderAdd adds headers correctly", {
expect_equal(sptest@header$a_nap, 10)
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/SpcList_tests.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
sptest = spc.example_spectra()
test_that("SpcLists are created properly", {
expect_equal(SpcList(list(sptest,sptest^2)), as(list(sptest,sptest^2), "SpcList"))
spctest = spc.makeSpcList(sptest, "CAST")
test_that("Names function returns correct number of names", {
headertest <- spc.makeSpcList(sptest, "STATION")
a = new("SpcHeader")
a$Longitude = 123
a$Station = 5
spc.setheader(headertest[[1]]) <- a
test_that("spc.getheader() gets correct headers", {
expect_is(spc.getheader(headertest[1], "Station"), "numeric")
expect_equal(spc.getheader(headertest[[1]], "Station"), 5)

headertest <- spc.updateheader(headertest, "Station", 11)
header = spc.getheader(headertest, "Station")
test_that("spc.updateheader() funciton updates header", {
expect_is(spc.getheader(headertest, "Station"), "numeric")
expect_equal(header[1], 11)

BL= spc.makeSpcList(sptest, "CAST")
sphead = spc.data2header(BL, "CAST")
sphead2 = spc.data2header(BL, "CAST", "ProjectCast")
test_that("spc.data2header() functions correctly", {
expect_equal(sphead[[1]]@header$CAST, spctest[[1]]@data$CAST)
expect_equal(sphead2[[1]]@header$ProjectCast, spctest[[1]]@data$CAST)

sptestdata = spctest
sptestdata = spc.updateheader(sptestdata, "Zone", "ZoneA")
sptestdata = spc.header2data(sptestdata, "Zone")
test_that("spc.header2data() sets fields correctly", {
expect_equal(sptestdata[[1]]@data$Zone, sptestdata[[1]]$Zone)

193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/Spectra_tests.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
context("Tests for Spectra methods")

fnm = file.path(base::system.file(package = "geoSpectral"),"test_data","particulate_absorption.csv.gz")
fnm=gsub("\\\\", "/", fnm)
abs = read.table(fnm,sep=",",header=TRUE)
abs[1:2,1:17] #Display only the first 2 rows and first 17 columns if the data frame
lbd = as.numeric(gsub("X","",colnames(abs)[14:514]))
colnames(abs)= gsub("X",paste("anap","_",sep=""), colnames(abs))
colnames(abs)= gsub("PRES","DEPTH", colnames(abs))
abs = abs[,c(14:514,1:13)] #Rearrange so that Spectra columns come first
tz<-strsplit(as.character(abs$TIME)," ")[[1]][[3]] #Extract the timezone
abs$TIME = as.POSIXct(as.character(abs$TIME),tz=tz) #Compute the time
myS<-Spectra(abs,Wavelengths=lbd, space=c("LONG","LAT"), time="TIME",Units=Units,ShortName="a_nap")
test_that("Spectra objects are created properly", {
expect_is(myS, "Spectra")
expect_equal(length(myS), 26)

df2 <- data.frame(ch1=c(1,2,3,4), ch2=c(5,6,7,8), TIME=Sys.time()+1:4, LAT=1:4, LON=5:8)
attr(df2, "Units") <- "m-1"
attr(df2, "Wavelengths") <- c(500, 600)
attr(df2, "ShortName") <- "abs"
sptest <- spc.example_spectra()
test_that("Spectra object can be converted", {
expect_is(as(sptest, "data.frame"), "data.frame")
expect_is(as(as(sptest, "data.frame"), "Spectra"), "Spectra")
expect_is(as(df2, "Spectra"), "Spectra")

test_that("Dim function provides correct dimensions for Spectra object", {
expect_is(dim(sptest), "integer")
expect_equal(dim(sptest), dim(sptest@Spectra))

test_that("ncol returns correct values", {
expect_is(ncol(sptest), "integer")
expect_equal(ncol(sptest), ncol(sptest@Spectra))

test_that("nrow returns correct values", {
expect_is(nrow(sptest), "integer")
expect_equal(nrow(sptest), nrow(sptest@Spectra))
expect_equal(nrow(sptest), nrow(sptest@data))

# test_that("names() functions gives correct names for Spectra Object", {
# expect_that(names(sptest), matches(names(sptest@data)))
# })

test_that("head() function returns correct values", {
expect_is(head(sptest), "matrix")
expect_equal(head(sptest), sptest@Spectra[1:6,])

test_that("Spectra objects can be extracted and replaced properly", {
expect_equal(sptest[["CAST"]], sptest$CAST)

test_that("spc.colnames() provides correct ouput", {
expect_is(spc.colnames(sptest), "character")
expect_equal(length(spc.colnames(sptest)), ncol(sptest@Spectra))

sptest2 <- spc.rbind(sptest, sptest)
sptest3 <- spc.rbind(as(sptest, "STIDF"),as(sptest, "STIDF"))
test_that("spc.rbind combines Spectra objects correctly", {
expect_is(sptest2, "Spectra")
expect_equal(nrow(sptest2), 2*nrow(sptest))
expect_is(sptest3, "STIDF")
expect_equal(nrow(sptest2), 2*nrow(sptest))

test_that("spc.getwavelengths() returns correct output", {
expect_is(spc.getwavelengths(sptest), "numeric")
expect_equal(spc.getwavelengths(sptest), sptest@Wavelengths)

sptestwave <- spc.example_spectra()
spc.setwavelengths(sptestwave) <- 200:700

test_that("spc.setwavelengths() sets new wavelengths correctly", {
expect_equal(range(sptestwave@Wavelengths), c(200,700))

test_that("spc.cname.construct() outputs correctly", {
expect_equal(spc.cname.construct(sptest, "anap"), spc.colnames(sptest))

dat = SpcList(spc.Read_NOMAD_v2())
t_idx = spc.timeMatch((dat$kd), (dat$es))
test_that("spc.timeMatch() function ouputs correctly", {
expect_equal(all(time(dat$es)[t_idx]==time(dat$kd)), TRUE)

test_that("spc.colMeans() function", {
expect_is(spc.colMeans(sptest), "Spectra")

test_that("spc.bbox2lines() function outputs correctly", {
expect_is(spc.bbox2lines(sptest), "Lines")

headertest <- spc.example_spectra()
a <- new("SpcHeader")
a$Longitude = 123
a$Station = 5
spc.setheader(headertest) <- a
test_that("spc.getheader() gets correct headers", {
expect_is(spc.getheader(headertest, "Station"), "numeric")
expect_equal(spc.getheader(headertest, "Station"), headertest@header[[1]])

test_that("spc.setheader() sets headers correctly", {
expect_equal(headertest@header$Longitude, a$Longitude)

headertest <- spc.updateheader(headertest, "Station", 11)
test_that("spc.updateheader() funciton updates header", {
expect_is(headertest@header$Station, "numeric")
expect_equal(headertest@header$Station, 11)

idx <- rep(FALSE, nrow(sptest))
idx[1:5] = TRUE
spc.setselected.idx(sptest) <- idx
gettest <- spc.getselected.idx(sptest)
x<- rep(TRUE, 5)
test_that("spc.getselected.idx() and spc.setselected.idx() work properly", {
expect_equal(gettest[1:5], x)
expect_is(gettest, "logical")

# test_that("spc.getinvalid.idx function", {
# expect_equal(length(spc.getinvalid.idx(sptest)), 0)
# })

sphead = spc.data2header(sptest, "CAST")
sphead2 = spc.data2header(sptest, "CAST", "ProjectCast")
test_that("spc.data2header() functions correctly", {
expect_equal(sphead@header$CAST, sptest@data$CAST)
expect_equal(sphead2@header$ProjectCast, sptest@data$CAST)
sptestdata = spc.example_spectra()
sptestdata = spc.updateheader(sptestdata, "Zone", "ZoneA")
sptestdata = spc.header2data(sptestdata, "Zone")
test_that("spc.header2data() sets fields correctly", {
expect_equal(sptestdata@data$Zone, sptestdata$Zone)

sptestrep = rep(sptest, 4)
test_that("rep() function replicates rows correctly", {
expect_is(dim(sptestrep), "integer")
expect_equal(dim(sptestrep)[1], dim(sptest)[1]*4)

# lbd = as.numeric(c(412, 440, 490, 555, 670))
# sp2 = spc.interp.spectral(sptest[,lbd], c(430, 450, 500))
# test_that("spc.interp.spectral estimates wavelengths correctly", {
# expect_equal()
# })

spc.export.text(sptest, "sptest.txt")
a = spc.import.text("sptest.txt")
test_that("spc.export.txt and spc.import.txt export and import accurately", {
expect_is(a, "Spectra")

# test_that("spc.header.infos correctly determines presence of R code in header", {
# expect_equal((spc.header.infos(sptest@header)=="NA"), TRUE)
# })

#write test for subset()

BL = spc.makeSpcList(sptest, "CAST")
test_that("spc.makeSpcList() creates spclist correctly from Spectra object", {
expect_equal(length(unique(sptest$CAST)), length(BL))
expect_is(BL, "SpcList")

test_that("spc.example_spectra creates spectra object", {
expect_is(spc.example_spectra(), "Spectra")

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