In order to compile smppload you need to have Erlang/OTP 19+ and GNU Make installed.
$ git clone /~ $ cd smppload $ make
$ make test
In order to run the examples below you need to have smppsink.
Now it's possible to launch smppload as an escript, which is faster, but Erlang needs to be installed:
$ _build/default/bin/smppload
or as a release, which is slower, but has greater portability:
$ _build/default/rel/smppload/smppload
Add appropriate path to smppload to your PATH.
- Help message
$ smppload SMPP Loader from Power Alley Gateway Suite (2.5.0) Usage: /home/ten0s/bin/smppload [-h] [-H [<host>]] [-P [<port>]] [-B [<bind_type>]] [-i [<system_id>]] [-p [<password>]] [-t [<system_type>]] [-r [<rps>]] [-s [<source>]] [-d <destination>] [-b <body>] [-l [<length>]] [-c [<count>]] [-D [<delivery>]] [-E []] [-C [<data_coding>]] [-f <file>] [-v [<verbosity>]] [-T [<thread_count>]] [--bind_timeout [<bind_timeout>]] [--unbind_timeout [<unbind_timeout>]] [--submit_timeout [<submit_timeout>]] [--delivery_timeout [<delivery_timeout>]] [--ssl] [--service_type [<service_type>]] [--body_format [<body_format>]] -h, --help Show this message -H, --host SMSC server host name or IP address [default:] -P, --port SMSC server port [default: 2775] -B, --bind_type SMSC bind type: TX | TRX | RX [default: TRX] -i, --system_id SMSC system_id [default: user] -p, --password SMSC password [default: password] -t, --system_type SMSC system_type [default: ] -r, --rps Number of requests per second. Ignored for RX [default: 1000] -s, --source SMS source address Addr[:Len=0][,Ton=1,Npi=1]. Ignored for RX [default: ] -d, --destination SMS destination address Addr[:Len=0][,Ton=1,Npi=1]. Ignored for RX -b, --body SMS body, randomly generated if not set. Ignored for RX -l, --length Randomly generated body length. Ignored for RX [default: 140] -c, --count Count of SMS to send. Ignored for RX [default: 1] -D, --delivery Delivery receipt. Ignored for RX [default: 0] -E, --esm_class ESM class. Ignored for RX [default: 0] -C, --data_coding Data coding. Ignored for RX [default: 3] -f, --file Send messages from file. Ignored for RX -v, --verbosity Verbosity level [default: 1] -T, --thread_count Thread/process count. Ignored for RX [default: 10] --bind_timeout Bind timeout, ms [default: 10000] --unbind_timeout Unbind timeout, ms [default: 5000] --submit_timeout Submit timeout, ms. Ignored for RX [default: 20000] --delivery_timeout Delivery timeout, ms [default: TX=80000, RX=infinity] --ssl Use ssl/tls connection --service_type Service type [default: ] --body_format Body format: default | hexdump. Ignored for RX [default: default]
- Bind only
$ smppload --host --port 2775 --system_type '' --system_id user --password password --count 0 OR short $ smppload -H -P 2775 -i user -p password -c 0
- Send a message with the body 'Hello there!' to localhost and the standard SMPP port
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hello there!' OR short $ smppload -s 375296660002 -d 375293332211 -b 'Hello there!'
- The above is the same as
$ smppload --host --port 2775 --bind_type trx --system_type '' --system_id user --password password --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hello there!' OR short $ smppload -H -P 2775 -B trx -t '' -i user -p password -s 375296660002 -d 375293332211 -b 'Hello there!'
- Send a message as TX
$ smppload --bind_type tx --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hello there!'
- Send a message with defined TON and NPI
$ smppload --source FromBank,5,0 --destination 375293332211,1,1 --body 'Return our money, looser!'
- Send a message with random trailing 4 and 7 digits respectively
$ smppload --source 37529000:4 --destination 37529:7 --body 'Hi!'
- Send a message with an empty source
$ smppload --source "" --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hi!' OR $ smppload --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hi!'
- Send a message with an empty source, but TON and NPI defined
$ smppload --source ",5,0" --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hi!'
- Send a message with a random body
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211
- Send a message with a random body and length 25
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --length 25
- Send a multipart message with a random body and length 160
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --length 160
- Send 100 messages with random bodies
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --count 100
- Send a message in data_coding 8 (UCS2-BE)
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body "Привет" --data_coding 8
- Send a binary message with the port addressing 16-bit and Latin1 'HelloPort' message
$ smppload -s 375296660002 -d 375293332211 -b"06050415821582HelloPort" --esm_class 64
- Send a binary message with the port addressing 16-bit and the message 'HelloPort' hexdump encoded
$ smppload -s375296660002 -d375293332211 -b0605041582158248656c6c6f506f7274 --esm_class 64 --data_coding 4
- Send one concatenated 8-bit 160 chars Latin1 message 'abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghij' by two separate commands
$ smppload -s375296660002 -d375293332211 -b050003010201abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi --esm_class 64 $ smppload -s375296660002 -d375293332211 -b050003010202jklmopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghij --esm_class 64
- Send utf-8 '©' character inconsistent with specified GSM 0338 encoding
$ smppload -s375296660002 -d375293332211 -b00a9 --body_format hexdump --data_coding 0 -vv
- Send messages from file test/messages.txt
$ cat test/messages.txt # source;destination;body;delivery;data_coding[;esm_class] # where # source :: address # destination :: address # address :: addr[,ton,npi] # body :: string, use double semicolon (;;) in the body # delivery :: true | false | 1 | 0 # data_coding :: integer # esm_class :: integer optional 375296660002,1,1;375291112231,1,1;Message #1;true;3 375296660002,1,1;375291112232,1,1;Message #2;true;3 375296660002,1,1;375291112233,1,1;Message #3;true;3 375296660002,1,1;375291112234,1,1;Message #4;true;3 375296660002,1,1;375291112235,1,1;Message #5;true;3 375296660002,1,1;375291112235,1,1;06050415821582HelloPort;false;3;64 $ smppload --file test/messages.txt
- Send messages from standard input
$ cat test/messages.txt | smppload --file -
- Send dynamically generated messages from standard input
$ for i in `seq 1 100`; do printf "375296660002,1,1;37529%07d,1,1;Message #%d;false;3\n" $i $i; done | smppload --file -
- Send a message with ERROR log level
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hello there!' -v0
- Send a message with INFO (default) log level
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hello there!' -v INFO: Connected to INFO: Bound to Funnel INFO: Stats: INFO: Send success: 1 INFO: Send fail: 0 INFO: Delivery success: 0 INFO: Delivery fail: 0 INFO: Incomings: 0 INFO: Errors: 0 INFO: Avg Rps: 20 mps INFO: Unbound
- Send a message with DEBUG log level
$ smppload --source 375296660002 --destination 375293332211 --body 'Hello there!' -vv DEBUG: Options: [{source,"375296660002"}, {destination,"375293332211"}, {body,"Hello there!"}, {verbosity,2}, {host,""}, {port,2775}, {bind_type,"trx"}, {system_id,"user"}, {password,"password"}, {system_type,[]}, {rps,1000}, {length,140}, {count,1}, {delivery,0}, {data_coding,3}, {thread_count,10}, {bind_timeout,10000}, {unbind_timeout,5000}, {submit_timeout,20000}, {delivery_timeout,80000}] DEBUG: Module: lazy_messages_body INFO: Connected to DEBUG: Request: {bind_transceiver,[{system_type,[]}, {system_id,"user"}, {password,"password"}, {bind_timeout,10000}]} DEBUG: Response: {bind_transceiver_resp,0,1,[{system_id,"Funnel"}]} INFO: Bound to Funnel DEBUG: Request: {submit_sm,[{source_addr_ton,1}, {source_addr_npi,1}, {source_addr,"375296660002"}, {dest_addr_ton,1}, {dest_addr_npi,1}, {destination_addr,"375293332211"}, {short_message,"Hello there"}, {esm_class, 0}, {data_coding,3}, {registered_delivery,0}, {submit_timeout,20000}, {delivery_timeout,80000}]} DEBUG: Response: {submit_sm_resp,0,2,[{message_id,"190602"}]} INFO: Stats: INFO: Send success: 1 INFO: Send fail: 0 INFO: Delivery success: 0 INFO: Delivery fail: 0 INFO: Incomings: 0 INFO: Errors: 0 INFO: Avg Rps: 23 mps DEBUG: Request: {unbind,[]} DEBUG: Response: {unbind_resp,0,3,[]} INFO: Unbound
- Bind as RX and keep an active connection. Stop with Ctrl-C.
$ smppload --bind_type rx -vv DEBUG: Options: [{bind_type,"rx"}, {verbosity,2}, {host,""}, {port,2775}, {system_id,"user"}, {password,"password"}, {system_type,[]}, {rps,1000}, {source,''}, {length,140}, {count,1}, {delivery,0}, {data_coding,3}, {thread_count,10}, {bind_timeout,10000}, {unbind_timeout,5000}, {submit_timeout,20000}] INFO: Connected to DEBUG: BindTypeFun: bind_receiver DEBUG: Request: {bind_receiver,[{system_type,[]}, {system_id,"user"}, {password,"password"}, {bind_timeout,10000}]} DEBUG: Response: {bind_receiver_resp,0,1,[{system_id,"Funnel"}]} INFO: Bound to Funnel ^C
- Bind as RX with 5 secs timeout, bind as TX, send SMS with delivery receipt via TX, receive delivery receipt via RX.
$ smppload -Brx --delivery_timeout=5000 INFO: Connected to INFO: Bound to Funnel INFO: Receipt: [{short_message,"id:22035 submit date:1505071451 done date:1505071451 stat:DELIVRD"}, {sm_default_msg_id,0}, {data_coding,0}, {replace_if_present_flag,0}, {registered_delivery,0}, {validity_period,[]}, {schedule_delivery_time,[]}, {priority_flag,0}, {protocol_id,0}, {esm_class,4}, {destination_addr,"375296543210"}, {dest_addr_npi,1}, {dest_addr_ton,1}, {source_addr,"375296660001"}, {source_addr_npi,1}, {source_addr_ton,1}, {service_type,[]}, {receipted_message_id,"22035"}, {message_state,2}] INFO: Stats: INFO: Send success: 0 INFO: Send fail: 0 INFO: Delivery success: 1 INFO: Delivery fail: 0 INFO: Incomings: 0 INFO: Errors: 0 INFO: Avg Rps: 0 mps INFO: Unbound
$ smppload -Btx -d375296543210 -bHello -D INFO: Connected to INFO: Bound to Funnel INFO: Stats: INFO: Send success: 1 INFO: Send fail: 0 INFO: Delivery success: 0 INFO: Delivery fail: 0 INFO: Incomings: 0 INFO: Errors: 0 INFO: Avg Rps: 28 mps INFO: Unbound
- Bind as RX with 5 secs timeout and receive an incoming message.
$ smppload -Brx -v --delivery_timeout=5000 INFO: Connected to INFO: Bound to Funnel INFO: Incoming: [{short_message,"Hello"}, {sm_default_msg_id,0}, {data_coding,0}, {replace_if_present_flag,0}, {registered_delivery,0}, {validity_period,[]}, {schedule_delivery_time,[]}, {priority_flag,0}, {protocol_id,0}, {esm_class,0}, {destination_addr,"375296660001"}, {dest_addr_npi,1}, {dest_addr_ton,1}, {source_addr,"357291110000"}, {source_addr_npi,1}, {source_addr_ton,1}, {service_type,[]}] INFO: Stats: INFO: Send success: 0 INFO: Send fail: 0 INFO: Delivery success: 0 INFO: Delivery fail: 0 INFO: Incomings: 1 INFO: Errors: 0 INFO: Avg Rps: 0 mps INFO: Unbound
smppload is versioned according to semantic versioning.
- Default data coding is 3 (Latin1).
- Randomly generated message body encoding is 3 (Latin1).
- Message body encoding from files or command line is expected to be in UTF-8.
- For data coding 2 (Binary 8-bit) and 4 (Binary 8-bit) the body is expected to be in hexdump.