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🩹 SimpleSDMLayers handling of clip with coordinates on cell boundaries (
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* 🩹 SimpleSDMLayers version bump

* ✅ test for clipping with natural coordinates (#152)

* 🐛 no use of stride in clip / expand keyword

* 🐛 Update the stitching code to get the right bounding box (#155)

* 🐛 Stitch returns the wrong bounding box in the end
Fixes #154

* 🟩 test the stitch patch

* 🟩 some more tests for the right coordinate

* 🟩 removed a test where the layer type changes

* ➖ drop dependencies for SimpleSDMLayers test

* 🟩 tests with the expand keyword

* GBIF throws 404 (not 410) for deleted resources (#156)

* 🤢 GBIF throws 404 (not 410) for deleted resources

* 🐛 throws an error when the occurrence is not available

* ✅ 404 error on single occurrence is handled

* 🟥 remove the subsetting test (handled by clip)

* 🐛 fix clipping with natural coordinates

* 🐛 fix approximation in displayed coordinate

* 🐛 tests when clipping exactly on the limit

* ✅ add test comparing clip with gdalwarp

* 🐛 missing end for test module


Co-authored-by: Gabriel Dansereau <>
  • Loading branch information
tpoisot and gabrieldansereau authored Feb 21, 2023
1 parent f5e475e commit bbaae1d
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Showing 9 changed files with 210 additions and 68 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion SimpleSDMLayers/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "SimpleSDMLayers"
uuid = "2c645270-77db-11e9-22c3-0f302a89c64c"
authors = ["Timothée Poisot <>", "Gabriel Dansereau <>"]
version = "0.9.1"
version = "0.9.2"

Distances = "b4f34e82-e78d-54a5-968a-f98e89d6e8f7"
Expand Down
142 changes: 111 additions & 31 deletions SimpleSDMLayers/src/lib/clip.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,62 +1,142 @@
clip(layer::T, p1::Point, p2::Point) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
clip(layer::T, p1::Point, p2::Point; expand=Symbol[]) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
Return a raster by defining a bounding box through two points. The order of the
points (in terms of bottom/top/left/right) is not really important, as the
correct coordinates will be extracted.
**This method is the one that other versions of `clip` ultimately end up
This operation takes an additional keyword argument `expand`, which is a vector
of `Symbol`s, the symbols being any combination of `:left`, `:right`, `:bottom`,
and `:top`. This argument specifies, in the case where the coordinate to clip is
at the limit between two cells in a raster, whether the outer neighboring
row/column should be included. This defaults to `expand=Symbol[]`, *i.e.* the
outer neighboring cell will *not* be included.
function clip(layer::T, p1::Point, p2::Point) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
latextr = extrema([p1[2], p2[2]])
lonextr = extrema([p1[1], p2[1]])
pmin = _point_to_cartesian(layer, Point(minimum(lonextr), minimum(latextr)); side=:bottomleft)
pmax = _point_to_cartesian(layer, Point(maximum(lonextr), maximum(latextr)); side=:topright)
R = T <: SimpleSDMResponse ? SimpleSDMResponse : SimpleSDMPredictor
left = longitudes(layer)[last(pmin.I)]-stride(layer, 1)
right = longitudes(layer)[last(pmax.I)]+stride(layer, 1)
bottom = latitudes(layer)[first(pmin.I)]-stride(layer, 2)
top = latitudes(layer)[first(pmax.I)]+stride(layer, 2)
return R(
left = isapprox(left, round(left)) ? round(left) : left,
right = isapprox(right, round(right)) ? round(right) : right,
bottom = isapprox(bottom, round(bottom)) ? round(bottom) : bottom,
top = isapprox(top, round(top)) ? round(top) : top
function clip(
expand = Symbol[],
) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
# Find the new bounding box for the clipped layer
bottom, top = extrema([p1[2], p2[2]])
left, right = extrema([p1[1], p2[1]])

# Get the boundaries between pixels
lon_boundaries = LinRange(layer.left, layer.right, size(layer, 2) + 1)
lat_boundaries = LinRange(layer.bottom,, size(layer, 1) + 1)

# Left to cell coordinate
left_cell = findlast(isapprox.(lon_boundaries, left) .|| lon_boundaries .<= left)
if left == lon_boundaries[left_cell]
if :left in expand
left_cell = max(1, left_cell - 1)

# Right to cell coordinate
right_cell = findfirst(isapprox.(lon_boundaries, right) .||lon_boundaries .>= right)
if right == lon_boundaries[right_cell]
if :right in expand
right_cell = min(size(layer, 2) + 1, right_cell + 1)

# Bottom to cell coordinate
bottom_cell = findlast(isapprox.(lat_boundaries, bottom) .|| lat_boundaries .<= bottom)
if bottom == lat_boundaries[bottom_cell]
if :bottom in expand
bottom_cell = max(1, bottom_cell - 1)

# Top to cell coordinate
top_cell = findfirst(isapprox.(lat_boundaries, top) .|| lat_boundaries .>= top)
if top == lat_boundaries[top_cell]
if :top in expand
top_cell = min(size(layer, 1) + 1, top_cell + 1)

# New grid
newgrid = layer.grid[bottom_cell:(top_cell - 1), left_cell:(right_cell - 1)]

# New return type
RT = typeof(layer) <: SimpleSDMResponse ? SimpleSDMResponse : SimpleSDMPredictor

# Return with the correct bounding box
return RT(
left = isapprox(left, lon_boundaries[left_cell]) ? left : lon_boundaries[left_cell],
right = isapprox(right, lon_boundaries[right_cell]) ? right : lon_boundaries[right_cell],
bottom = isapprox(bottom, lat_boundaries[bottom_cell]) ? bottom : lat_boundaries[bottom_cell],
top = isapprox(top, lat_boundaries[top_cell]) ? top : lat_boundaries[top_cell],

clip(layer::T; left=nothing, right=nothing, top=nothing, bottom=nothing) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
clip(layer::T; left=nothing, right=nothing, top=nothing, bottom=nothing, kwargs...) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
Clips a raster by giving the (optional) limites `left`, `right`, `bottom`, and `top`.
Clips a raster by giving the (optional) limits `left`, `right`, `bottom`, and
This operation takes an additional keyword argument `expand`, which is a vector
of `Symbol`s, the symbols being any combination of `:left`, `:right`, `:bottom`,
and `:top`. This argument specifies, in the case where the coordinate to clip is
at the limit between two cells in a raster, whether the outer neighboring
row/column should be included. This defaults to `expand=Symbol[]`, *i.e.* the
outer neighboring cell will *not* be included.
function clip(layer::T; left=nothing, right=nothing, top=nothing, bottom=nothing) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
function clip(
left = nothing,
right = nothing,
top = nothing,
bottom = nothing,
) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
p1 = Point(
isnothing(left) ? layer.left : left,
isnothing(bottom) ? layer.bottom : bottom
isnothing(bottom) ? layer.bottom : bottom,
p2 = Point(
isnothing(right) ? layer.right : right,
isnothing(top) ? : top
isnothing(top) ? : top,
return clip(layer, p1, p2)
return clip(layer, p1, p2; kwargs...)

clip(origin::T1, destination::T2) where {T1 <: SimpleSDMLayer, T2 <: SimpleSDMLayer}
clip(origin::T1, destination::T2; kwargs...) where {T1 <: SimpleSDMLayer, T2 <: SimpleSDMLayer}
Clips a layer by another layer, *i.e.* subsets the first layer so that it has
the dimensions of the second layer. This operation applies a very small
displacement to the limits (`5eps()`) to ensure that if the coordinate to cut at
falls exactly on a cell boundary, the correct cell will be used in the return
the dimensions of the second layer.
This operation takes an additional keyword argument `expand`, which is a vector
of `Symbol`s, the symbols being any combination of `:left`, `:right`, `:bottom`,
and `:top`. This argument specifies, in the case where the coordinate to clip is
at the limit between two cells in a raster, whether the outer neighboring
row/column should be included. This defaults to `expand=Symbol[]`, *i.e.* the
outer neighboring cell will *not* be included.
function clip(origin::T1, destination::T2) where {T1 <: SimpleSDMLayer, T2 <: SimpleSDMLayer}
_d = 5eps()
function clip(
) where {T1 <: SimpleSDMLayer, T2 <: SimpleSDMLayer}
err = false
destination.right > origin.right && (err = true)
destination.left < origin.left && (err = true)
destination.bottom < origin.bottom && (err = true) > && (err = true)
err && throw(ArgumentError("The two layers are not compatible"))
return clip(origin, Point(destination.left+_d, destination.bottom+_d), Point(destination.right-_d,
return clip(
Point(destination.right, destination.bottom);
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions SimpleSDMLayers/src/operations/tiling.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ function stitch(tiles::Matrix{T}) where {T <: SimpleSDMLayer}
# Bounding box of the tile
left = tiles[1].left
right = tiles[end].right
bottom = tiles[end].bottom
top = tiles[end].top
left = minimum([t.left for t in tiles])
right = maximum([t.right for t in tiles])
bottom = minimum([t.bottom for t in tiles])
top = maximum([ for t in tiles])
# Size of the raster
rows = size.(tiles[:,1], 1)
cols = size.(tiles[1,:], 2)
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions SimpleSDMLayers/test/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,3 @@
GBIF = "ee291a33-5a6c-5552-a3c8-0f29a1181037"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsPlots = "f3b207a7-027a-5e70-b257-86293d7955fd"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

GBIF = "0.2, 0.3"
53 changes: 50 additions & 3 deletions SimpleSDMLayers/test/operations/clip.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,19 +5,66 @@ using Test
M = rand(Bool, (10, 10))
S = SimpleSDMPredictor(M, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)

cl1 = clip(S; left=0.2, right=0.6, bottom=0.5, top=1.0)
cl1 = clip(S; left = 0.2, right = 0.6, bottom = 0.5, top = 1.0)
@test typeof(cl1) == typeof(S)
@test 1.0
@test cl1.bottom 0.5
@test cl1.right 0.6
@test cl1.left 0.2
@test clip(S; left=0.19).left <= 0.2
@test clip(S; left = 0.19).left <= 0.2

cl2 = clip(S; left=0.2, bottom=0.5)
cl2 = clip(S; left = 0.2, bottom = 0.5)
@test typeof(cl2) == typeof(S)
@test 1.0
@test cl2.bottom 0.5
@test cl2.right 1.0
@test cl2.left 0.2

# Test the expand keyword to include points that fall on the limit between two cells
M2 = rand(Bool, (1080, 2160))
S2 = SimpleSDMPredictor(M2, -180.0, 180.0, -90.0, 90.0)

# Test that expand works, including at the edges of the layer
@test clip(S2; left = 0.0).left == 0.0
@test clip(S2; left = 0.0, expand = [:left]).left < 0.0
@test clip(S2; left = -180.0).left == -180.0
@test clip(S2; left = -180.0, expand = [:left]).left == -180.0

# Test clipping with natural coordinates exactly on the limit
exact_lats = (S2.bottom+1.0):1.0:(
exact_lons = (S2.left+1.0):1.0:(S2.right-1.0)
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S2; top=l).top) for l in exact_lats])
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S2; bottom=l).bottom) for l in exact_lats])
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S2; left=l).left) for l in exact_lons])
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S2; right=l).right) for l in exact_lons])

# Test clipping with non-natural coordinates
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S; top=l).top) for l in 0.1:0.1:0.9])
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S; bottom=l).bottom) for l in 0.1:0.1:0.9])
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S; left=l).left) for l in 0.1:0.1:0.9])
@test all([isequal(l, clip(S; right=l).right) for l in 0.1:0.1:0.9])

# Test that clip is consistent with GDAL.jl
# This test requires to read and write the data, which is handled by
# SpeciesDistributionToolkit, not SimpleSDMLayers. We'll leave the code
# commented out here and test only with the values that should be returned when
# using GDAL.
using SpeciesDistributionToolkit
using GDAL
F2 = "$(tempname()).tif"
F3 = "$(tempname()).tif", convert(Float32, S2));
run(`$(GDAL.gdalwarp_path()) $F2 $F3 -te -180.0 -90.0 180.0 8.0 -overwrite`)
S3 = SpeciesDistributionToolkit._read_geotiff(F3, SimpleSDMPredictor);
cl3 = clip(convert(Float32, S2); top=8.0);
@test cl3 == S3
@test size(cl3) == size(S3)
@test boundingbox(cl3) == boundingbox(S3)

cl3 = clip(convert(Float32, S2); top=8.0);
@test size(cl3) == (588, 2160)
@test boundingbox(cl3) == (left = -180.0, right = 180.0, bottom = -90.0, top = 8.0)

22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions SimpleSDMLayers/test/operations/subsetting.jl

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion SimpleSDMLayers/test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ tests = [
"rescale" => "operations/rescale.jl",
"mosaic" => "operations/mosaic.jl",
"coarsen" => "operations/coarsen.jl",
"subsetting" => "operations/subsetting.jl",
"generated" => "generated.jl",

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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions test/edgecases/01_stitch_wrong_bb.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module TestThatStitchIsNotInAMood

# The stitching sometimes gave the wrong bounding box after using `map`, so this
# checks this doesn't happen anymore

using SpeciesDistributionToolkit
using Test

# Get some data
dataprovider = RasterData(EarthEnv, LandCover)
spatial_extent = (left = -80.00, bottom = 43.19, right = -70.94, top = 46.93)
trees = sum([
SimpleSDMPredictor(dataprovider; layer = i, full = true, spatial_extent...) for
i in 1:4

for tilesize in [(3, 4), (8, 8), (4, 3), (9, 5), (2, 2), (12, 1), (3, 6)]

# make the tiles
tiles = tile(trees, tilesize)
@test eltype(tiles) == typeof(trees)

# stitch the tiles as they are
tiled_trees = stitch(tiles)
@test typeof(tiled_trees) == typeof(trees)
@test size(tiled_trees) == size(trees)
@test tiled_trees.grid == trees.grid
@test tiled_trees.left == trees.left
@test tiled_trees.right == trees.right
@test tiled_trees.bottom == trees.bottom
@test ==

# stitch the tiles after a transform
more_trees = stitch(map(x -> 2x, tiles))
@test size(more_trees) == size(trees)
@test more_trees.left == trees.left
@test more_trees.right == trees.right
@test more_trees.bottom == trees.bottom
@test ==


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ global anyerrors = false

tests = [
"read/write layers" => "01_integration_read.jl",
"EDGE: stitch bounding box" => "edgecases/01_stitch_wrong_bb.jl",

for test in tests
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