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Plebeian Market WordPress plugin

This is the plugin that you can use to display your auctions from Plebeian Market or your own instance of the market in your WordPress blog.

Install instructions

You can search for the Plebeian Market plugin in your WordPress site (Plugins / Add New) to use the stable version. If you want to use the version in this repository (could be less stable), just compress the plugin directory into a .zip file and upload it to your WordPress installation using Plugins / Add New.

Development environment

The development environment for the Plebeian Market WordPress plugin is based on docker-compose, so it's the only requirement to run it locally:

Install the environment

  • Download the files in this repository, or clone it:
git clone /~
  • Change to the plugin directory:
cd plebeian-market-wp-plugin
  • Build the docker containers:
docker-compose up -d
  • Install WordPress and enable the plugin:
docker-compose exec pm_wordpress_cli wp core install --url=http://localhost:8000 --title="Plebeian Market WordPress plugin test site" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=pass4admin --skip-email

docker-compose exec pm_wordpress_cli wp plugin activate plebeian_market


Usage of the development environment

Start development environment

docker-compose up -d

Stop development environment

docker-compose stop

Destroy development environment

docker-compose down

Destroy development environment and delete WordPress database

docker-compose down -v


You can visit http://localhost:8080 to access phpMyAdmin and manage your MariaDB database. Use root / pass4root to login.