This is a Telegram Bot written in Python for Downloading Videos From Terabox.
Terabox API/Base Code HERE.
Fill this Values in config.env
: The Telegram Bot Token that you got from @BotFather.Str
: This is to authenticate your Telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from
: This is to authenticate your Telegram account for downloading Telegram files. You can get this from
: The Force Subscribe Channel, users will not be able to use your bot without joining the Channel. (Enter the Channel/Group ID starting with -100).Int
: The Dump Channel, all leeched videos will be Forwared Here. (Enter the Channel/Group ID starting with -100).Int
For farther assistance visit my support group: @JetMirror.
- Deployment instructions uploaded HERE
- Carefully copy-paste every CMD one by one. If you miss maybe your BOT will not run.
- Clone this repo:
git clone /~ && cd Terabox-Downloader-Bot
- For Debian based distros
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
Install Docker by following the Official docker docs.
Or you can use the convenience script: curl -fsSL | bash
- For Arch and it's derivatives:
sudo pacman -S docker python
Make sure you still mount the app folder and installed the docker from official documentation.
- There are two methods to build and run the docker:
- Using official docker commands.
- Using docker-compose.
- Start Docker daemon (SKIP if already running, mostly you don't need to do this):
sudo dockerd
- Build Docker image:
sudo docker build . -t terabox
- Run the image:
sudo docker run -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 terabox
- To stop the running image:
sudo docker ps
sudo docker stop id
NOTE: If you want to use ports other than 80 and 8080 change it in docker-compose.yml.
- Install docker compose
sudo apt install docker-compose
- Build and run Docker image:
sudo docker-compose up --build
- To stop the running image:
sudo docker-compose stop
- To run the image:
sudo docker-compose start
- To get latest log from already running image (after mounting the folder):
sudo docker-compose up
If anyone want requirements.txt to run without Docker, access it Here.
Cmd to start the Bot: bash