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Analysis and manuscript files with feedback
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Author's feedback included in the analyses and manuscript files. Effect of gender and BMI included in the INCOV cohort multi-parameter models. Changes and shortening of the manuscript text.
  • Loading branch information
PiotrTymoszuk authored Jun 7, 2023
1 parent 35c5745 commit 3d38801
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Showing 62 changed files with 4,035 additions and 2,189 deletions.
Binary file added data/INCOV/Table S1.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/INCOV/Table S2.xlsx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/local/01.06.2022.sav
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data/local/27.10.2021.sav
Binary file not shown.
216 changes: 216 additions & 0 deletions data/local/persistent_symptoms_text.tsv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added docx/Highlights_040623.docx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docx/Highlights_070623.docx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docx/PNEC-D-23-00080.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docx/main_manuscript_KH_3105_anPiotr.docx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docx/rebuttal_letter_KH_3105_for Piotr.docx
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docx/supplementary_material_KH_3105.docx
Binary file not shown.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions exploration scripts/age_incov.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Age,metabolites and cytokines for particular infection timepoints


# container ------

age_incov <- list()

# analysis globals -------

insert_msg('Analysis globals')

# analysis globals ------

insert_msg('Analysis globals')

## variable lexicon

age_incov$lexicon <- globals$incov_lexicon %>%
mutate(label_long = variable,
variable = make.names(variable))

## analysis tables

age_incov$analysis_tbl <- incov$analysis_tbl %>%
age_incov$lexicon$variable))) %>%
mutate(timepoint = car::recode(timepoint,
"'healthy' = 'uninfected'"),
timepoint = factor(timepoint,
c('uninfected', 'acute', 'sub-acute', 'recovery'))) %>%
blast(timepoint) %>%
map(~filter(.x, complete.cases(.x)))

# Correralation analysis -----

insert_msg('Correlation analysis')

age_incov$test <- age_incov$analysis_tbl %>%
map(function(data) map(age_incov$lexicon$variable, ~c('age', .x)) %>%
variables = .x,
what = 'correlation',
type = 'spearman',
ci = TRUE,
pub_styled = FALSE))) %>%
compress(names_to = 'timepoint') %>%

# Bubble plot -----

insert_msg('Bubble plot')

age_incov$plot <- age_incov$test %>%
mutate(variable1 = timepoint) %>%
corr_buble(plot_title = 'Metabolites, cytokines and age',
signif_only = FALSE) +
labs(plot_subtitle = 'Spearman correlation with age') +
scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) exchange(x, dict = age_incov$lexicon))

# END ------

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions exploration scripts/age_simmun.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# Effects of age on metabolites and markers of inflammation
# correlation analysis (Pearson)


# container ------

age_simmun <- list()

# analysis globals -------

insert_msg('Analysis globals')

## variables

age_simmun$variables <- c(neo = 'log_neo',
nlr = 'log_nlr',

## analysis table

age_simmun$analysis_tbl <-
stigma$data[c('patient_id', 'age', age_simmun$variables)] %>%

# Correlation analysis ------

insert_msg('Correlation analysis')

age_simmun$test <- age_simmun$variables %>%
variables = c('age', .x),
what = 'correlation',
type = 'pearson',
ci = TRUE,
pub_styled = TRUE)) %>%
re_adjust %>%
mutate(plot_cap = paste(eff_size, significance, sep = ', '),
plot_cap = paste(plot_cap, n, sep = ', n = '))

# Plotting -------

insert_msg('Plotting, scatter plots')

age_simmun$plots <-
list(variables = map(age_simmun$variables, ~c('age', .x)),
plot_title = exchange(names(age_simmun$variables),
plot_subtitle = age_simmun$test$plot_cap,
y_lab = exchange(age_simmun$variables,
value = 'axis_label')) %>%
type = 'correlation',
cust_theme = globals$common_theme,
x_lab = 'age, years')

# END ------

161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions exploration scripts/bmi_incov.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
# Testing of effects of BMI on the time course of metabolites and cytokines
# Analyzed with robust linear modeling, I'm skipping the interaction effect
# since it was not significant for any of the responses


# container ----

bmi_incov <- list()

# analysis globals ------

insert_msg('Analysis globals')

## variable lexicon

bmi_incov$lexicon <- globals$incov_lexicon %>%
mutate(label_long = variable,
variable = make.names(variable))

## analysis tables

bmi_incov$analysis_tbl <- incov$analysis_tbl %>%
bmi_incov$lexicon$variable))) %>%
mutate(timepoint = car::recode(timepoint,
"'healthy' = 'uninfected'"),
timepoint = factor(timepoint,
c('uninfected', 'acute', 'sub-acute', 'recovery')))

## colors for plots

bmi_incov$plot_colors <-
list(inflammatory = c('IL6_INF' = 'orangered2',
'IL10_INF' = 'orangered4',
'TNF_INF' = 'gray60',
'IFNG_INF' = 'black'),
trp = c('tryptophan' = 'coral',
'kynurenine' = 'indianred2',
'quinolinate' = 'indianred4',
'serotonin' = 'steelblue'),
tyr = c('phenylalanine' = 'darkolivegreen3',
'tyrosine' = 'darkolivegreen4',
'dopamine.3.O.sulfate' = 'steelblue'))

## plot titles

bmi_incov$plot_titles <-
paste0(c('Inflammatory cytokines',
'Serotonin and kynurenine pathway',
'Catecholamine pathway'),
', INCOV') %>%
set_names(c('inflammatory', 'trp', 'tyr'))

## model formulas

bmi_incov$formulas <- bmi_incov$lexicon$variable %>%
map(~paste(.x, '~ bmi_class + timepoint')) %>%
map(as.formula) %>%

# Construction of the models ------

insert_msg('Construction of the models')

bmi_incov$models <- bmi_incov$formulas %>%
map(~make_lm(data = bmi_incov$analysis_tbl,
formula = .x,
mod_fun = rlm,
family = NULL,
method = 'MM',
psi = psi.huber))

# Model inference -----

insert_msg('Model inference')

bmi_incov$inference <- bmi_incov$models %>%
map(summary, 'inference', ci_method = 'distribution') %>%
map(re_adjust, method = 'none') %>%
variable = stri_replace(variable,
fixed = 'bmi_class',
replacement = 'BMI'),
plot_lab = paste0(signif(estimate, 2), ' [',
signif(lower_ci, 2), ' - ',
signif(upper_ci, 2), ']'),
var_lab = paste(variable, level, sep = ': '),
plot_lab = paste(var_lab, plot_lab, sep = ': '),
plot_lab = paste(plot_lab, significance, sep = ', '))

bmi_incov$inference_tags <- bmi_incov$inference %>%
map(~.x$plot_lab[2:5]) %>%
map(paste, collapse = '\n')

# Ribbon plots, spit by timepoint -------

insert_msg('Ribbon plots, spit be the response type')

for(i in levels(bmi_incov$analysis_tbl$bmi_class)) {

bmi_incov$ribbon_plots[[i]] <-
list(vars = list(inflammatory = c('IL6_INF', 'IL10_INF', 'TNF_INF', 'IFNG_INF'),
trp = c('tryptophan', 'kynurenine', 'quinolinate', 'serotonin'),
tyr = c('phenylalanine', 'tyrosine', 'dopamine.3.O.sulfate')),
plot_title = paste(bmi_incov$plot_titles, i, sep = ', ')) %>%
data = blast(bmi_incov$analysis_tbl, bmi_class)[[i]],
plot_subtitle = 'Mean, 2 \u00D7 SEM',
average_stat = 'mean',
ribbon_stat = '2SEM',
ribbon_alpha = 0.3) %>%
map2(., bmi_incov$plot_colors ,
~.x +
scale_color_manual(values = .y,
labels = function(x) exchange(x, dict = bmi_incov$lexicon)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = .y,
labels = function(x) exchange(x, dict = bmi_incov$lexicon)))


# Box plots split by the BMI class -----

insert_msg('Box plots, split by the BMI class')

bmi_incov$plots <-
list(x = bmi_incov$lexicon$variable,
y = bmi_incov$lexicon$label,
z = bmi_incov$inference_tags) %>%
pmap(function(x, y, z) bmi_incov$analysis_tbl %>%
ggplot(aes(x = timepoint,
y = .data[[x]],
fill = bmi_class)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = NA,
alpha = 0.25,
position = position_dodge(0.8)) +
geom_point(shape = 21,
size = 2,
position = position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = 0.1,
jitter.height = 0,
dodge.width = 0.8)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(normal = 'steelblue',
overweight = 'coral3',
obesity = 'coral4'),
name = '') +
globals$common_theme +
labs(title = y,
y = expression('normalized log'[2] * ' concentration'),
x = 'SARS-CoV-2 infection',
tag = paste0('\n', z))) %>%

# END -----



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