Before begin, ensure that you have the following installed:
- CMake (version 3.10 or later)
- A C++ compiler that supports C++17 (e.g., GCC, g++)
- OpenSSL
- Google Test
- nlohmann-json3-dev C++ json library
This repository contains my resolutions of the set of problems of the Cryptopals challenges.
These challenges serve as a way for me to dive deep into the cryptography world.
To test each program just compile and run using the following bash script in the command line:
bash cryptopals_set_<set_number>_problem_<problem_number>
Create a build directory and move into it
mkdir build
cd build
Configure the poject with CMake
cmake ..
Build the executable:
Run the executable:
Create a build directory and move into it
mkdir tests/build
cd tests/build
Configure the project tests with CMake
cmake ..
Build the executable:
Run the tests: