A simple VideoPlayer for Xamarin.forms based on Video Player Demos
- Available on NuGet: Global.VideoPlayer
- Add nuget package to your Xamarin.Forms .netStandard/PCL project and to your platform-specific projects
Platform | Version |
Xamarin.iOS | 8.0+ |
Xamarin.Android | 15+ |
Common video player operations are described here.
Property | Description |
Aspect | Defines how the video content is displayed. Default value is AspectFit. Use AspectFill for Background LoginSCreen |
Loop | Specifies that the video will restart playing at the end. Default value is False. |
AutoPlay | Specifies that the video will start playing as soon as it is ready. Default value is True. |
NativeControls | Specifies that native controls should be displayed. Default value is True. |
AudioFocus | Specifies if the video player should take the audio focus or not. |
Mute | Specifies if the video player should be muted or not. |
Source | A local file path or remote URL to a video file. |
Position | A read-only bindable playback time for the current video. |
Duration | A read-only Field that provide the duration of the video |
TimeToEnd | A read-only Field that provide the time until the end of the video. |
State | A read-only bindable property indicating the current state of the video player (NotReady, Playing, Pause) |
The sample you can find here /~https://github.com/Phenek/Global.VideoPlayer/tree/master/Sample
After installing the NuGet package, the following initialization code is required in each application project:
- iOS - AppDelegate.cs file, in the FinishedLaunching method.
- Android - MainActivity.cs file, in the OnCreate method.
Global.VideoPlayer.Droid.VideoPlayer.Init(this, bundle);
This calls should be made after the Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init()
method call. It is recommended to place this calls in the following files for each platform:
Once the NuGet package has been added and the initialization method called inside each application, the VideoPlayer APIs can be used in the common PCL or Shared Project code.
The MIT License (MIT) see License file
Feel free to do it for UWP! I think it's not a big deal, but got no time and no need for now :()
Many Thanks to @charlespetzold for it's contribution ever!