Hello! I'm Pedro Emmanuel, a technology enthusiast with a strong background in graphic design and social media. My passion for these fields led me to explore various aspects of communication and teamwork from 2019 to 2021.
In 2022, I transitioned into web development and consultancy, specifically focusing on HR systems. My technical skills span a range of languages and frameworks, including Java, Python, React, LSP, MySQL, and JavaScript. Additionally, my expertise in graphic design and social media allows me to bring a creative perspective to my work in web development.
I’m constantly learning and evolving, looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.
- 🌱 Currently learning ERP | Cyber Security | LSP | Arduino
- 💬 Ask me about Java | Python | SQL | LINUX | Typescript
- 📫 Reach me at: pedroebuergersilva@gmail.com | (47) 99738-3886 | LinkedIn
- ⚡ Fun fact: My first job was as a graphic designer. I made my transition to web development in 2022!
Let’s get in touch! 👋
Made with ❤️ by Pedro Emmanuel