git clone /~
cd butler-burton
make install
or download the binary and run it
Edit config-file in $HOME/.config/butlerburton
name: "Butler Burton"
color: "#46D9FF"
webhook_url: "<Teams webhook url>"
notifications: true
vab_msg: "Jag vabbar idag, försök hålla skutan flytande så är jag tillbaks imorgon"
weekend_msg: "Trevlig helg!"
employee_id: "0000",
path: "/home/burton/.butlerburton/"
update: true
docker build -t "imageName" .
docker run -it "imageName" sh
docker ps (get containerId)
docker cp "containerId":/root/.butlerburton/"reportName.xlsx" .
pandoc -s -t man -o butler-burton.1
gzip butler-burton.1