'Fitbook' is a social media platform designed for fitness enthusiasts. It allows users to share their fitness journeys, workouts, healthy meals, and progress through pictures, videos, and status updates. Users can create and share workout plans, meal plans, and interact with each other through likes, comments, and following profiles. ‘Fitbook’ prioritizes user-friendliness and will be available as a client web application.
The user interface was built with React.js. To connect this interface to the data storage, I used Java Spring Boot to create a secure REST API. Spring Security and Spring OAuth2 handles user logins and access permissions within the application.
• Easy Media Sharing: Upload pictures and videos (up to 3 photos or 30 seconds) showcasing
workouts, meals, and progress.
• Real-Time Workout Tracking: Track and share workout metrics (distance, repetitions, weight
lifted) using templates and providing descriptions.
• Collaborative Workout & Meal Plan Sharing: Design and share customized workout plans and
meal plans with routines, exercises, sets, recipes, nutritional information, portion sizes and
repetitions using built-in templates.
• Social Interaction: Enables users to interact with each other by liking and commenting on posts.
Users can also follow other users' profiles, with all profiles being publicly visible. The platform
notifies users of likes and comments on their posts, fostering engagement within the community.
• User Authentication: The application allows users to log in using their existing accounts on popular
services such as social media, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
You’ll need to have Node installed on your local development machine. You can then clone this repo
git clone /~https://github.com/PabasaraJay/Fitbook-A_fitness_social_media_platform.git
You can then start building your own project based on the project that gets cloned. You can also remove the remote to the repo to avoid accidentally pushing to it.
Once you have a copy of the project, you need to install the dependencies. Run the command npm install
or yarn
in the command line.
After that you can run one of the following commands in the command line:
npm dev
oryarn dev
to run a development server using webpack dev server. Each time you hit save, changes get hot reloaded using hot module replacementnpm prod
oryarn prod
to create a production buildnpm prod:debug
oryarn prod:debug
to run webpack in debug mode while using the production configurationnpm dev:debug
oryarn dev:debug
to run webpack in debug mode while using the development configurationnpm lint
oryarn lint
for running ESLint to type check your source codenpm test
oryarn test
for running Jest to run your test cases
It is also recommended that you install the Prettier extension for your IDE/Editor since the project supports it out of the box. Prettier has also been integrated as a pre commit hook to ensure that all files are formatted correctly.