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Provide Docker build sequences of Open3D for various environments.


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Provide Docker build sequences of Open3D for various environments.

1. Docker Image Environment

  • Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64
    • CUDA 11.0
    • cuDNN 8.0
    • TensorFlow v2.4.1 (Build from source code. It will be downloaded automatically during docker build.)
    • PyTorch v1.7.1 (Build from source code. It will be downloaded automatically during docker build.)
  • Jetson Nano L4T r32.5.0 aarch64
    • CUDA 10.2
    • cuDNN 8.0
    • TensorFlow v2.4.1 (Build from source code. It will be downloaded automatically during docker build.)
    • PyTorch v1.7.1 (Build from source code. It will be downloaded automatically during docker build.)
  • Open3D 0.12.0

2. Default build parameters

2-1. Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64

-- ========================================================================
-- Open3D 0.12.0 Configuration Summary
-- ========================================================================
-- Enabled Features:
--   OpenMP .................................. ON
--   Headless Rendering ...................... OFF
--   Azure Kinect Support .................... ON
--   Intel RealSense Support ................. ON
--   CUDA Support ............................ ON
--   Build GUI ............................... ON
--   Build Shared Library .................... ON
--   Build Unit Tests ........................ OFF
--   Build Examples .......................... 
--   Build Python Module ..................... ON
--   - with Jupyter Notebook Support ......... ON
--   Build TensorFlow Ops .................... ON
--   Build PyTorch Ops ....................... ON
--   Build Benchmarks ........................ ON
--   Bundle Open3D-ML ........................ ON
--   Build RPC interface ..................... ON
--   Force GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI= ............ 1
-- ========================================================================
-- Third-Party Dependencies:
--   EIGEN3 .................................. yes (build from source)
--   FAISS ................................... no
--   FILAMENT ................................ yes (build from source)
--   FLANN ................................... yes (build from source)
--   FMT ..................................... yes (build from source)
--   GLEW .................................... yes (build from source)
--   GLFW .................................... yes (build from source)
--   GOOGLETEST .............................. no
--   IMGUI ................................... yes (build from source)
--   JPEG .................................... yes (build from source)
--   JSONCPP ................................. yes (build from source)
--   LIBLZF .................................. yes (build from source)
--   OPENGL .................................. yes (build from source)
--   PNG ..................................... yes (build from source)
--   PYBIND11 ................................ yes (build from source)
--   QHULL ................................... yes (build from source)
--   LIBREALSENSE ............................ yes (build from source)
--   TINYFILEDIALOGS ......................... yes (build from source)
--   TINYGLTF ................................ yes (build from source)
--   TINYOBJLOADER ........................... yes (build from source)
-- ========================================================================

2-2. Jetson Nano L4T r32.5.0 aarch64

-- ========================================================================
-- Open3D 0.12.0 Configuration Summary
-- ========================================================================
-- Enabled Features:
--   OpenMP .................................. ON
--   Headless Rendering ...................... OFF
--   Azure Kinect Support .................... ON
--   Intel RealSense Support ................. ON
--   CUDA Support ............................ ON
--   Build GUI ............................... ON
--   Build Shared Library .................... ON
--   Build Unit Tests ........................ OFF
--   Build Examples .......................... 
--   Build Python Module ..................... ON
--   - with Jupyter Notebook Support ......... ON
--   Build TensorFlow Ops .................... ON
--   Build PyTorch Ops ....................... ON
--   Build Benchmarks ........................ ON
--   Bundle Open3D-ML ........................ ON
--   Build RPC interface ..................... ON
--   Force GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI= ............ 1
-- ========================================================================
-- Third-Party Dependencies:
--   EIGEN3 .................................. yes (build from source)
--   FAISS ................................... no
--   FILAMENT ................................ yes (build from source)
--   FLANN ................................... yes (build from source)
--   FMT ..................................... yes (build from source)
--   GLEW .................................... yes (build from source)
--   GLFW .................................... yes (build from source)
--   GOOGLETEST .............................. no
--   IMGUI ................................... yes (build from source)
--   JPEG .................................... yes (build from source)
--   JSONCPP ................................. yes (build from source)
--   LIBLZF .................................. yes (build from source)
--   OPENGL .................................. yes (build from source)
--   PNG ..................................... yes (build from source)
--   PYBIND11 ................................ yes (build from source)
--   QHULL ................................... yes (build from source)
--   LIBREALSENSE ............................ yes (build from source)
--   TINYFILEDIALOGS ......................... yes (build from source)
--   TINYGLTF ................................ yes (build from source)
--   TINYOBJLOADER ........................... yes (build from source)
-- ========================================================================

3. Usage - Docker Build

You can customize the Dockerfile to build and run your own container images on your own.

3-1-1. x86_64 Build

$ version=0.12.0
$ git clone -b ${version} /~
$ cd Open3D-build
$ docker build -t pinto0309/open3d-build:latest x86_64

3-1-2. aarch64 Build

$ version=0.12.0
$ git clone -b ${version} /~
$ cd Open3D-build
$ docker build -t pinto0309/open3d-build:l4t-r32.5.0 aarch64/jetson_nano

3-2-1. x86_64 Run

$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm \
    -v `pwd`:/workspace \
    -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) \
    -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) \
    pinto0309/open3d-build:latest bash

3-2-2. aarch64 Run

3-2-2-1. aarch64 emulation on x86_64 environment

$ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm \
    -v `pwd`:/workspace \
    -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) \
    -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) \
    pinto0309/open3d-build:l4t-r32.5.0 bash

3-2-2-2. Running on the aarch64 environment

$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm \
    -v `pwd`:/workspace \
    -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) \
    -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) \
    pinto0309/open3d-build:l4t-r32.5.0 bash

4. Usage - Docker Pull / Run

You can download and run a pre-built container image from Docker Hub.

$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm \
    -v `pwd`:/workspace \
    -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) \
    -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) \
    pinto0309/open3d-build:latest bash


$ docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
$ docker run --gpus all -it --rm \
    -v `pwd`:/workspace \
    -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) \
    -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) \
    pinto0309/open3d-build:l4t-r32.5.0 bash

5. Usage - pip installer

You can download and install the released Wheel installer. TensorFlow and PyTorch have already been optimized and built for Open3D.

$ wget /~ \
  && wget /~ \
  && wget /~ \
  && wget /~ \
  && wget /~ \
  && sudo pip3 install --upgrade *.whl

6. Appendix

6-1. TensorFlow (CUDA enabled) build command

$ git clone -b v2.4.1 /~
$ cd tensorflow
$ sudo ./configure
$ sudo bazel build \
    --config=cuda \
    --config=noaws \
    --config=nohdfs \
    --config=nonccl \
    --config=v2 \

6-2. PyTorch (CUDA enabled) build command


$ git clone -b v1.7.1 --recursive /~
$ cd pytorch \
                 /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/thrust/system/cuda/config.h \
    && cat /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/include/thrust/system/cuda/config.h \
    && sed -i -e "/^if(DEFINED GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI)/i set(GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI 1)" \
                 CMakeLists.txt \
    && pip3 install -r requirements.txt \
    && python3 build \
    && python3 bdist_wheel \
    && cd ..

$ git clone -b v0.8.2 /~
$ cd vision \
    && pip3 install /pytorch/dist/*.whl \
    && python3 build \
    && python3 bdist_wheel \
    && cd ..

$ git clone -b v0.7.2 /~
$ cd audio \
    && apt-get install -y sox libsox-dev \
    && python3 build \
    && python3 bdist_wheel \
    && cd ..