PEDSnet includes rich clinical, environmental, and health data from over 13 million children. The number of variables that can be created are too numerous to fully explicate. Nonetheless, the PEDSnet Coordinating Center compiles a list of variables and associated codesets created for specific studies and lists them in this repository. The purpose of this repository is to give investigators an idea of the types of variables that have been used previously.
If there is a variable of interest that is not included, please email PEDSnet at to inquire about the availability of the data.
In this repository, a codeset refers to a collection of codes (e.g., diagnosis or procedure codes) which are used for a given clinical concept, whereas a variable definition refers to the logic for determining (levels of) a variable. A variable definition may include one or more codesets. The term "computable phenotype" is sometimes used for a complex variable definition which uses multiple other variables to assess or determine a healthcare concept.
Please visit for more information about PEDSnet.
The variables and codesets page includes a list of codesets organized by data domain.
This page provides step-by-step instruction for downloading a .csv codeset file from GitHub.