Sub-Ghz - WiFi - Bluetooth 5 - Testing and Analysis Device
WT32-SC01-PLUS interface for the CC1101 module that allows standalone testing without the need for external devices.
UI Developed with Squareline Studio - All project files included so you can expand on the interface.
However it can be expanded via BLE and/or WiFi as it contains the ESP32-S3 MCU.
The design is low cost and effective for RF testing and can be expanded by the customization of its firmware.
Looking forward to what the community has in store for this project!
Features Thus Far:
CC1101 Scanner W/Rssi (still a work in progress) Ability to Play FlipperZero Raw .sub files from the SD card. Sub-Ghz Protocol analyzer (thanks to the SmartRC Library) - Still needs some love but is working. Wifi Scanner - For 2.4Ghz Wifi - will populate the found hotspots in the Dropdown for whatever... NEED TO ADD MORE TOOLS HERE!! Tesla Charge Port Tester - Dedicated button - Thanks to (/~ for the actual protocol rather than a capture. US and EU Frequencies covered in one press..! Will Play Sound from SD card or memory (I2S) support
Youtube links:
Various UI pages created for future use, developed With Squareline Studio. Source Files are in the LCD directory.
Diagram for new Wiring Harness Being Shipped as of Mar 2024: