MyTenki - responsive weather forecast web app. see LIVE.
This is my first project that combines technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with APIs. The application that gives current, hourly, and daily weather forecasts for any location. I use OpenWeather APIs student pack to retrieve 3 different API requests to receive current data, hourly and daily forecast information.
List of features
- Display current forecast data such as humidity, wind, and temperature
- Diplay hourly forecast in 3 hour timeslots
- Display daily forecast for the next 6 days
- User freindly image teaching how wind directions work
- JavaScript
- OpenWeather API
To-do list:
- Improve the hourly forecast data to display the current and next 3 hour timeslot data based on each location. Issue is that Openweather API doesn't clarify how to use hourly data based on differnt locations.
Inspired by Codecademy FullStack courses introduction to OpenWeather API. I had completed 40% of the course before completing this project.