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Development getting started
Planscape is structured as a classic REST-based web application. The major components are
- A Postgres database, with PostGIS extensions, for storing geometry, data layers, user input in the form of plans and scenarios, and user accounts;
- A Django REST backend with GeoDjango extensions; and
- An Angular frontend with Leaflet extensions for drawing maps;
- GeoServer - for serving raster and vector dataset to our map client.
Two helpful tutorials for learning about this stack:
The Django Tutorial is long but very helpful.
The Angular + Leaflet tutorial. It uses Node.js instead of Django for the backend, but it's still helpful.
We try to maintain the following development standards:
- Use the Python type system to catch errors early in the Django backend. The instructions below show how to see type errors in VSCode.
- Write and maintain unit tests to go along with the code, with tests run automatically in GitHub.
- Perform code reviews of GitHub pull requests using the github.com interface.
- Use
to format the code.
While not specifically required, it is recommended that you use an account that will persist (e.g. a personal account not related to any employer).
You will need to ask a member of the Planscape team to be added to the group in order to make changes to the repository.
We structured Planscape to have a corresponding Dockerfile, that includes all the necessary dependencies to run and develop Planscape locally. Right now, only the backend part of Planscape is being built with Docker. We have a plan to create another Dockerfile to enable front-end developer to easily collaborate.
- Docker & Docker Compose
Make sure you have all the requirements in the previous section installed in your machine.
- Clone the repository from GitHub
- Create your
file in the project repository root. You can copy the.sample.env
file and tweak some of the environment variables, if necessary. All thePLANSCAPE_DATABASE_*
variables are correctly configured for the Dockerfile. - Create a new
file. This file should be located in<repo>/src/interface/src/app/features/
. You can copy the contents of<repo>/src/interface/src/app/features/features.json
. This file controls all the front-end feature flags in build time. - Create a new
file. This file should be located in<repo>/src/interface/environments/
. You can copy the contents of<repo>/src/interface/src/app/environments/environment.ts
. This file controls all the ENV variables for the front-end in build time.
After cloning the repository, and setting up your .env
file you can spin an environment
by issuing the following commands in your terminal of choice. We assume that <project-root>
is the root of the repository.
cd ~/<project-root>
make docker-build
make docker-migrate
make docker-run
That is all it should take for you to have the running server on your machine. The repository root is mapped to the root docker volume, so any changes you make in your repository will be reflected instantly in the running application.
Most of the common operations needed to maintain a Django application have been wrapped in the Makefile. Using make commands you can generate migrations, apply them, spin up the server and clean docker images if necessary.
Here's a list of the commands implemented so far:
make docker-clean
- shuts down docker compose and remove all information about the containers -
make docker-hard-clean
- runsdocker-clean
and prunes the images for this project -
make docker-build
- builds all the containers listed in the docker compose file -
make docker-test
- runs all python's tests inside the container -
make docker-run
- spins up docker compose and starts the server in port 8000 -
make docker-shell
- opens up a terminal inside the container -
make docker-makemigrations
- creates all pending migrations. you can specify anAPP_LABEL
to choose specific Django apps -
make docker-migrate
- executes all pending migrations
The instructions below have been developed using MacOS. It should be straightforward to adapt them to other environments (Linux, Windows).
During installation of packages you may be asked to modify directory permissions (e.g. sudo chmod ...).
First you must install Python and GDAL. On MacOS,
Install homebrew from a terminal window
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/$USER/.profile
Install Python 3.10 (or later):
brew reinstall python@3.10
Please read the install output carefully since most of the installs are dependent on python 3.10+. You can check to see if it installed properly in /usr/local/bin/.
- Install GDAL (necessary for processing raster GIS data):
brew install gdal
The directory structure will look like
env/ # Python environment
bin/ # Python env binaries
include/ # Python env includes
lib/ # Python env libraries
share/ # Python env share
pyvenv.cfg # Python env configuration
.git/ # Local Git repository
Planscape/ # Project root in GitHub
analysis/ # Experimental analyses
doc/ # Documentation files
mypy.ini # Configuration for Python type system
.gitignore # Git configuration for files to ignore
deployment/ # Scripts for deployment to AWS, etc.
docker-compose.yaml # Docker file
interface/ # Angular frontend
planscape/ # Django backend
In a terminal window,
Make a virtual environment
in a fresh directory:python3 -m venv env
Check that the file env/pyvenv.cfg has the following or similar contents:
home = /opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.10/bin include-system-site-packages = false version = 3.10.6
Use the following command to start using Python in the environment:
source env/bin/activate
TIP: Create an alias to this command, e.g.,
alias startdev="source env/bin/activate"
Before you can do something with the software, you'll want to install Postgres and R.
brew install postgresql
Note: you might need to provide the version number when installing:
brew install postgresql@15
You will also need to install PostGIS if you installed postgresql via homebrew.
brew install postgis
Alternatively you can install postgresql from postgresapp which already includes PostGIS.
You'll want R, but you also need to install a bunch of prerequisite libraries through brew:
brew install libgit2
brew install harfbuzz
brew install fribidi
brew install udunits
brew install r
After you have installed R, run r and install more libraries. There are plenty of R mirrors around the world; choose one close to you.
% r
> install.packages("dplyr")
> install.packages("textshaping")
> install.packages("stringi")
> install.packages("ggnewscale")
> install.packages("udunits2")
> install.packages("sf")
> install.packages("ragg")
> install.packages("pkgdown")
> install.packages("devtools")
> install.packages("DBI")
> install.packages("RPostgreSQL")
> install.packages("optparse")
> install.packages("rjson")
> install.packages("glue")
> install.packages("purrr")
> install.packages("dplyr")
> install.packages("logger")
Warning: devtools is enormous. Get a cup of coffee when you do this. You may encounter other missing libraries, and so be ready to install those and re-install devtools. After installing devtools, go back to r and install the forsys libraries:
% r
> devtools::install_github("forsys-sp/forsysr")
> devtools::install_github("forsys-sp/patchmax")
The Planscape source code is stored in GitHub, which provides support for code reviews, continuous integration, deployment, etc. The OurPlanscape/Planscape GitHub Repository contains the code, and the Planscape develoment GitHub project contains the issues and bugs.
In order to check in/review code or create issues, you will need a GitHub account that is a member of the OurPlanscape organization. If you don't already have a GitHub account, please create one and ask own of the owners of the GitHub repository to add you to the organization.
Our repository requires that you connect via SSH rather than https. You can download code via https but without SSH you won't be able to merge changes in.
Use the email address you used for your github account:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@your_domain.com"
You can ignore any fancy ASCII artwork that shows up in your terminal.
Follow the Github instructions on how to apply the public key you just generated into your github account.
For more info, Github's full docs on installing SSH keys can be found here.
To download the source code, run the following commands in your terminal window:
cd env
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:OurPlanscape/Planscape.git
git clone ssh://git@github.com/OurPlanscape/Planscape.git
If you intend on making modifications, see instructions on how to make your own branch.
If you do not have pip installed, this will fail:
pip --version
In that case, you will need to install pip. For macOS, you will have to "bootstrap" pip; instructions can be found here.
cd Planscape/src/planscape/
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm is a tool to manage javascript libraries (including more Angular code).
brew install npm
Note that if you are asked for PATH_TO_ENV, typically that's your home directory path, e.g. /home/$USER.
Finally, download the necessary Angular libraries (which includes ng). You may be required to install Node JS. Depending on your operating system you can find the exact steps here
cd ../interface
npm install -g @angular/cli
If you're not using VSCode, you will need to install black
(automatically installed as part of the requirements.txt
and use it before commiting your code.
To do so, you can do:
cd src/planscape
black .
That will reformat any necessary files.
VSCode is very helpful for developing both frontend and backend code. It provides syntax highlighting, code completion, and type checking.
Some additional setup steps:
- Install mypy and dmypy (the mypy daemon)
brew install mypy
Create a file
with the contents
Create a settings file
with the following contents (replacing PATH_TO_ENV):
{ "python.linting.mypyEnabled": true, "python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env", "python.linting.enabled": true, "mypy.dmypyExecutable": "PATH_TO_ENV/env/bin/dmypy", }
In VS Code, install the Python and Pylance extensions (⇧⌘X).
Install black formatter
Configure VS Code to auto-format when saved.
Helpful tip: VS Code also has useful linter extensions that can be installed for Typescript files and a built-in formatter for JSON files.
Create a Python config file: src/planscape/planscape/.env
with the contents
SECRET_KEY = 'some string'
PLANSCAPE_DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'your postgres password'
The SECRET_KEY is what django uses for signing requests, and provides protection against XSRF and other attacks. You can set it to anything. You can read here for more details.
If you don't want to use your local database, there is a shared developer instance of postgres. Please contact a team member to get the PLANSCAPE_DATABASE_.* values if you want to use that instance instead.
The angular code reads two kinds of files that can contain settings that are specific to the environment or development box.
- features.json The features.dev.json (and features.json) file (located in src/interface/src/app/features) contains feature flags, which can be used to show or hide certain features in the UI. You must add a features.dev.json file for angular to behave correctly. You can find more details in the features.json readme.
- environment.ts
The environment.dev.ts file (or environment.prod.ts file), found in src/interface/src/environments/, contains server-side settings for the frontend (such as a Google Analytics ID). Similarly to
you'll need to add aenvironment.dev.ts
file for angular to load this variables on dev mode.
You can edit your files such as:
Add this to src/interface/src/app/features if you don't have it yet.
"login": true,
"new_navigation": true,
"show_centralcoast": true,
"show_future_control_panel": false,
"show_socal": true,
"show_translated_control_panel": false,
"testFalseFeature": false,
"testTrueFeature": true,
"top_percent_slider": true,
"unlaunched_layers": false,
"upload_project_area": false,
"use_its": false
export const environment = {
production: false,
backend_endpoint: 'http://localhost:8000/planscape-backend',
google_analytics_id: '',
tile_endpoint: '',
download_endpoint: '',
You will need to create the planscape user, database, and populate your DB with tables. Alternatively, as of Aug 29 2023 there exists a shared developer database running on AWS; please contact a team member if you want to use that instead.
brew services start postgresql
You might need to run brew tap homebrew/core
Connect to the database you just started. You need to specify the postgres database:
psql -h localhost -d postgres
Now, create the planscape user and database in the psql command line:
create user planscape with createdb superuser password 'some_password_here';
create database planscape with owner='planscape';
Now, go to src/planscape and run:
python manage.py migrate
This should run a bunch of database migration scripts and populate your database.
To test that the tables are working properly, run:
python manage.py test planning
This will run the suite of tests in the planning/ directory which will work with the planning area and scenario tables, along with the user tables.
From src/planscape, run:
python manage.py test -p "*test*.py"
This should end in "OK"
In one terminal window or tab, start the Django backend from the src/planscape
python manage.py runserver
The output should look like
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
September 30, 2022 - 14:28:21
Django version 4.1.1, using settings 'planscape.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
In another shell, start the Angular frontend from the src/interface
npm install
ng serve --open
Note that npm install may reveal some package vulnerabilities. It is recommended that you fix at least those packages that won't break:
npm audit fix
The output should look something like
✔Browser application bundle generation complete.
Initial Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size
vendor.js | vendor | 2.84 MB |
polyfills.js | polyfills | 318.01 kB |
styles.css, styles.js | styles | 304.02 kB |
main.js | main | 14.94 kB |
runtime.js | runtime | 6.52 kB |
| Initial Total | 3.47 MB
Build at: 2022-09-30T14:29:12.454Z - Hash: 4158b2a1e75c035d - Time: 3248 ms
** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **
✔ Compiled successfully.
Navigate to localhost:4200 in your browser. You should see the Planscape application.