This project is a Python-based adaptation inspired by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST). Utilizing PsychoPy, we have developed an psychological test that captures the essence of cognitive flexibility. Our version is designed to run locally on any computer. This project was inspired by the original paper by Esta Berg (1948). It was created for educational purposes as part of a university course at the Arctic University of Norway, UiT.
Download the Repository
- Navigate to the GitHub repository page.
- Click on the 'Code' button and select 'Download ZIP'
Install PsychoPy
- PsychoPy is required to run the game.
- Download PsychoPy by following this link: Download PsychoPy Locally.
- Install PsychoPy on your machine following the instructions provided on the website.
Run the Game
In this directory, you'll find a PsychoPy version of the WCST.
- game
- The game is stored as
- The game is stored as
- cards
- Contains image files of the cards.
- sounds
- Sound files used in the game. Sourced from Zapsplat
- results
- Results of the test are saved here after completion.
- logo
- Logo for the game, generated with DALL-E 3.
Documentation of the WCST creation. In chronological order (PDF + Jupyter notebook file + html file).
- Basics of game logic.
- Documentation on creating the card images.
- Documentation on creating the visual version of the game.
- Basics of game logic. Initial stage.
- Basics of game logic. Newest Text based version.
- Script that creates all 64 card images to: FOLDER cards.
- Esta A. Berg (1948) A Simple Objective Technique for Measuring Flexibility in Thinking, The Journal of General Psychology, 39:1, 15-22, DOI: 10.1080/00221309.1948.9918159