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OpenZeppelin Contracts for Cairo

Lint and test

A library for secure smart contract development written in Cairo for Starknet, a decentralized ZK Rollup.


🧙 Not sure how to get started? Check out Contracts Wizard for Cairo — an interactive smart contract generator.


Prepare the environment

Simply install Cairo and scarb.

Set up your project

Create a new project and cd into it.

scarb new my_project && cd my_project

The contents of my_project should look like this:

$ ls

Scarb.toml src

Install the library

Edit scarb.toml and add:

openzeppelin = "1.0.0"

The previous example would import the entire library. We can also add each package as a separate dependency to improve the building time by not including modules that won't be used:

openzeppelin_token = "1.0.0"

Build the project to download it:

$ scarb build

Updating git repository /~
Compiling my_project v0.1.0 (~/my_project/Scarb.toml)
Finished release target(s) in 6 seconds

Using the library

Open src/lib.cairo and write your contract.

For example, this is how to write an ERC20-compliant contract:

mod MyToken {
    use openzeppelin_token::erc20::{ERC20Component, ERC20HooksEmptyImpl, DefaultConfig};
    use starknet::ContractAddress;

    component!(path: ERC20Component, storage: erc20, event: ERC20Event);

    // ERC20 Mixin
    impl ERC20MixinImpl = ERC20Component::ERC20MixinImpl<ContractState>;
    impl ERC20InternalImpl = ERC20Component::InternalImpl<ContractState>;

    struct Storage {
        erc20: ERC20Component::Storage

    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    enum Event {
        ERC20Event: ERC20Component::Event

    fn constructor(
        ref self: ContractState,
        initial_supply: u256,
        recipient: ContractAddress
    ) {
        let name = "MyToken";
        let symbol = "MTK";

        self.erc20.initializer(name, symbol);, initial_supply);



Check out the full documentation site!





You can track our roadmap and future milestones in our Github Project.

OpenZeppelin Contracts for Cairo exists thanks to its contributors. There are many ways you can participate and help build high quality software, make sure to check out the contribution guide in advance.

Set up the project

Clone the repository:

git clone

cd into it and build:

cd cairo-contracts
scarb build -w

Run tests

snforge test -w


This project is maintained by OpenZeppelin with the goal of providing a secure and reliable library of smart contract components for the Starknet ecosystem. We address security through risk management in various areas such as engineering and open source best practices, scoping and API design, multi-layered review processes, and incident response preparedness.

Refer to for more details.


OpenZeppelin Contracts for Cairo is released under the MIT License.