Library provides basic functionality for test automation which allows allocating phone from STF server using python stf-client, initialise adb connection to it and start [appium][/~] server for it.
Basic idea is to run tests against remote openstf device farm with minimum requirements.
participant C as User
participant A as stf-appium-client
participant B as STF(device)
C->>A: allocation_context(requirements, wait_timeout, timeout, shuffle)
A->>B: Find suitable device
A->>B: allocate device
A->>B: remoteConnect
A->>B: ADB Connection
A->>A: Start AppiumServer(ADB)
A->>A: Start AppiumClient(AppiumServer)
A->>C: AppiumClient(AppiumServer(ADB))
C->>A: Run Appium Tests
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- openstf server and access token
- python >=3.8
- adb
- appium (
npm install appium
) Library expects that appium is located to PATH- appium 2 (
npm install appium@next
)- remember to install appium drivers, e.g.
appium driver install uiautomator2
- remember to install appium drivers, e.g.
- appium 1
- note that appium server and client need to be compatible with each other!
- see compatibility matrix from python-client readme
- appium 2 (
pip install stf-appium-client
or for development purpose:
pip install -e .
make test
CI runs tests against following environments:
ubuntu-latest | macos-latest | windows-latest | |
3.7 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
3.8 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
3.9 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
3.10 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
3.11 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
This pip package could be installed together with test framework and utilise using CLI interface or via python interface. See more usage examples below.
client = StfClient(host=environ.get('STF_HOST'))
with client.allocation_context(
requirements=dict(version='10')) as device:
print('phone is now allocated and remote connected')
with AdbServer(device['remote_adb_url']) as adb_port:
print('adb server started with port: {adb_port}')
with AppiumServer() as appium:
print("Phone is ready for test automation..")
# appium is running and ready for usage
with AppiumClient() as driver:
See examples from examples -folder.
Library utilise python native logging module. Logger name is StfAppiumClient
By default it configure default console handler for logger with INFO
env variable can be used to use DEBUG
logging level.
If any handlers for this logger is configured before StfClient
creation no default handlers are added.
stf --token 123456 --requirements "{\"version\": \"9\"}" "echo $DEV1_SERIAL"
Call robot framework
stf --token 123456 --requirements "{\"version\": \"9\"}" "robot phone/suite"
$ stf --help
usage: stf [-h] --token TOKEN [--host HOST] [--requirements R] [--list]
[command [command ...]]
STF client with appium.
Tool allocate phone, create adb and appium server and
call user given command with generated env variables:
DEV1_ADB_PORT ADB PORT that appium utilize.
DEV1_APPIUM_HOST appium host where user given command can connect, e.g. robot framework
DEV1_SERIAL device details..
DEV1_REQUIREMENTS user given requirements
DEV1_INFO phone details
Example: stf --token 123 -- echo \$DEV1_SERIAL
positional arguments:
command Command to be execute during device allocation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--token TOKEN openstf access token
--host HOST openstf host
--list list only requirements, filtered on given requirements
--requirements R requirements as json string
--timeout t allocation timeout
--wait_timeout w max wait time for suitable device allocation
--verbose appium logs to console. WARNING: this mix console prints
--appium-logs file appium logs to file
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details