COMODO2 is a Java tool that allows to transform a UML/SysML model into code for different software platforms.
To install COMODO2 from OpenMBEE GIT repository:
$ git clone /~ comodo2
$ cd comodo2
$ ant build
$ ant install
JARs (including comodo2.jar) are installed by ant in $PREFIX/lib
A wrapper script, comodo, that sets the correct classpath is installed in $PREFIX/bin
To install COMODO2 from ESO GIT repository (it requires waf and wtools):
$ git clone comodo2
$ cd comodo2
$ waf configure
$ waf install
JARs (including comodo2.jar) are installed by waf in $PREFIX/lib
A wrapper script, comodo, that sets the correct classpath is installed in $PREFIX/bin
COMODO2 can be executed by invoking a wrapper script which takes care to set the proper path for the required JAR files.
$ comodo <parameters>
For example:
$ comodo -i comodo2/test/hello/model/EELT_ICS_ApplicationFramework.uml -o ./gen -m "hellomalif hellomal" -t ELT-RAD -g ALL -a -d
The supported options are:
-h, --help, Print help.
-d, --debug, Enable printing of debug information.
-i, --input-model, File path of the model to transform. Model should be in EMF XMI (.uml) format.
-o, --output-path, Output directory path.
-m, --modules, Specify the module(s) to generate.
-t, --target-platform, Target platform [SCXML|ELT-RAD|ELT-MAL].
-c, --target-platform-config, Configuration parameters specific to a target platform.
-g, --generation-mode, Generation mode [DEFAULT|UPDATE|ALL].
-n, --no-backup, Disable automatic backup for generated files (i.e. generated files may overwrite existing files with the same name).
-a, --avoid-fully-qualified, Avoid using fully qualified names.
The input model should comply with COMODO profile and be stored in EMF XMI 5.x format.
For example, in MagicDrow, use the option: File -> Export to -> Eclipse UML2 XMI 5.x to export the model.
The following target platforms are supported:
- SCXML Transforms the input model into SCXML document(s). The generated SCXML document can be executed by an SCXML interpreted.
- ELT-MAL Transforms the input model into XML/MAL ICD. The generated XML file can be transformed into code using CII tools.
- ELT-RAD Transforms the input model into C++ code, SCXML, XML/MAL ICD, for the Rapid Application Development toolkit (RAD). The generated code can be compiled and executed on a machine installed with the ELT Development Environment and RAD.
- QPC-C Transofrms the input model into C code representing the state machine logic and structure, using the Quantum Framework (QP/C).
- QPC-QM Transofrms the input model into a QM file for the Quantum Modeler. This also generates implementation files that are used for the C code QM will generate.
The following generation modes are supported:
- ALL To be used only the very first time, it generates all files including actions, do-activities, actionMgr. If -n option is used, generated files will overwrite existing files without backup.
- UPDATE To be used when new actions or do activities are added, it generates new action classes, new do-activities classes, and regenerate the actionMgr. If -n option is used, the actionMgr.cpp file will be overwritten without backup.
- DEFAULT This is the default mode. It generates only files that should never be edited by the developer. E.g. the SCXML file, MAL/ICD, .rad.ev, etc.