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Visualizing Earthquakes

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The United States Geological Survery (USGS) maintains datasets for many geological events, including earthquakes, and provides these to the public as a service.

This website utilized data from the above resource, & was built with Node.js, node package manager (npm), bootstrap, & the gulp (JS toolkit) streaming build system

The following steps were taken to create this visualization:

  • Earthquake GEOJSON data was retrieved via API call to the USGS' GeoJSON Feed,
    • Date range is currently set to most recent two weeks.
    • Data retrieved includes magnitude, location (long/lat coordinates), and time,
    • USGS API documentation
  • Leaflet.js & d3.js were then used to create a map on which to plot data from the previous step.
  • Additional Layers are queried & added to the Map from the previous step, via API calls:
    • From the Mapbox API, layers were added,
    • geoJSON dataset of tectonic plates was queried from user FRaxen on github
  • Individual earthquakes were plotted based on their location, along with marker size & color being proportional to the magnitude,
  • A pop-up will appear when a marker is clicked,
  • A legend was also included, as well as layer controls for various viewing options.

The Logo in my navbar & the website icon ('favicons') were also created by me, and cannot be copied or reproduced.

Technologies: JavaScript, Leaflet.js, d3.js, API Calls, mapbox, geoJson, JSON, jquery, ajax, jpopper, bootstrap