抱歉, 这个程序是刚接触golang写的。 很多地方完全错误。 请不要在生产中使用
Manage crontab in golang, Star is the best praise and gift...
In development, we often need to manage time tasks. Golang Cron provides some good basic schedule functions. But in some complex scenarios. It's not enough. Like:
- Any task could fail. If the task fails. try again or stop this task?
- The user set
@every 5s
execution. But It need 10 sec to finish this task. How to ensure a task is performed only once per unit time. - I wanna watch all tasks' status. Is it running? What's the next execution time.
- I wanna know how many times the task executed and how many times it was successful
- I wanna limit the number of concurrent tasks
- I can return some results when the task is complete. And I can add some hook functions to handle those results
View the test to know more...
Run example
go get -u ""
go get -u ""
go get -u ""
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run server.go
# Open localhost:8000
- Define some time task
- View all task status
- Each task will send data to terminal periodically
在开发中,经常遇到一些需要定时任务的场景。各个语言都有定时语言的库,Golang Cron 提供了Crontab Golang语言版本。这个库非常不错,提供最基本的定时任务编排的功能。但是一些复杂需求无法满足,比如
- 任何定时任务都有可能失败,失败了就panic了,这样非常不友好。最起码能够让我控制,失败是重试还是停止
- 某些任务执行周期要10s, 而用户设置的5s一执行,我能不能保证任何时间这个任务只执行一次
- 我想实时的看到任务的状态,比如是不是在运行?下次运行时间?上次运行时间?
- 我想看到任务执行了多少次,成功了多少次
- 我想要限制最大任务数量,比如超过10个任务在执行,不运行新的任务执行
- 任务执行完了可以告诉我逻辑上有错误,还是有结果。我还可以加上一些钩子函数来处理任务执行的结果