I required Playwright for a testing pipeline in an airgapped environment. Working in an airgapped environment meant not being able to run npx playwright install
to install browser binaries meaning no way to really use Playwright to test against browsers for Visual Testing.
The following are installed:
- chromium
- firefox
- webkit
These images support the same platforms as as Playwright:
$ docker run --rm mplatform/mquery octopixell/playwright-testbox:node-lts
Image: octopixell/playwright-testbox:node-lts-playwright-1.49.1 (digest: sha256:a2ae4aabf386a51d46eebb10f66dced98ab7d5e96c3f29061d40df5765755f1e)
* Manifest List: Yes (Image type: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json)
* Supported platforms:
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
Tag | Base Image | Image size |
node-18-playwright-1.49.1 |
node:18 |
node-20-playwright-1.49.1 |
node:20 |
node-22-playwright-1.49.1 |
node:22 |
node-lts-playwright-1.49.1 |
node:lts |