- Introduction
- OS and AppStore Projects
- Boot EOS
- Run A container workload on EOS
- Run A VM workload on EOS
- Changing Flake Registry
- Setup Update Server
EOS is an OS design for embedded use cases. Workloads on EOS are expected to run as container or VM instances. The OS is fully immutable, except for the firmware partition. The following diagram shows the main disk layout:
It is not expected
that someone works with the system like with a classical server.
This means if the OS has to change, this change needs to be
performed in the OS project which builds the image, then tested
and then published to an EOS update server. Any instance of EOS
can then decide to fetch the update via the os-update
tool. The update uses the A/B partition concept and is applied via
kexec including a commit to indicate success. A reboot after commit
can be performed optionally. The procedure is comparable to the
way a mobile phone runs updates.
Any platform that supports kexec + grub|u-boot can be supported
The value of EOS comes with the projects that builds it. The OS image as well as the update server are build using the Open Build Service connected to this git repo. Please find the EOS project here:
Running applications on EOS are expected to be provided as containers or VMs. An example registry for container based apps and firecracker compatible VM images can be found here:
EOS is currently provided on the following target platforms:
- As AMI in the AWS public cloud
- As KVM virtual disk image for testing in QEMU/VMware, etc...
- As RaspberryPI disk image for testing on the PIv4/PIv5
The EOS AMI is not yet published and lives in a private AWS account. On interest please reach out for sharing the AMI ID with any given account.
To run EOS in qemu-kvm fetch the following data and call the run script:
mkdir binaries
pushd binaries
wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/marcus.schaefer:/EOS/images_ALP/EOS.x86_64-AB.raw.xz
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OSInside/eos/main/eos/run
chmod u+x run
To run EOS on a RaspberryPI an SD card or USB storage disk is required.
Connect the SD card or the USB stick to a workstation.
The following procedure assumes the SD card or stick device appears
as /dev/sdx
NOTE: Dumping data to the wrong device can seriously harm the workstation and the data stored on it. You have been warned !
wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/marcus.schaefer:/EOS/images_ALP/EOS.aarch64-RPI.raw.xz
xz -d EOS.aarch64-RPI.raw.xz
dd if=EOS.aarch64-RPI.raw.xz of=/dev/sdx status=progress
Next put the SD card or stick to the RaspberryPI and boot up.
NOTE: There is no graphics system configured on EOS. Thus only
console messages will appear. Serial console access is therefore helpful,
at best via a TTL2USB switch. The direct rendering interface /dev/dri
will be available to run a graphical compositor (e.g weston) in a
privileged container to run graphical workloads. An example image build
named suse-AGL
that implements a graphical workload based on the
EOS design can be found in the following project:
EOS has been setup to provide a split OCI container registry. One part of the
registry lives in the read-only area of EOS itself. In this area EOS provides a
pre-populated basesystem
container. The other part of the registry
points to a fully writable and encrypted partition. This area is used to
register and manage container instances. The read-write part of the container
registry can also consume the pre-registered read-only basesystem container.
Managing containers is done via podman
which is part of EOS. Using other
container management systems like k3s is possible but needs adaptions to
the EOS image description.
Along with podman to run and handle container instances in a workload
there is also another software called flake-pilot
which orchestrates
the container instances prior launching and registers a containerized
application as an application binary which can be managed under the control
of systemd. Such an application is called a flake
. More about flakes
The AppStore project of EOS hosts OCI container images which are created
to be used as flakes. Some of the containers there are built as delta
containers, which means they require a basesystem to function. The
advantage here, the delta containers providing the applications are very
small. As an example there is the lynx
console web browser available
as a flake. To use it run the following flake registration:
flake-ctl podman register --container suse-apps/lynx --target /usr/bin/lynx --app /usr/share/flakes/bin/lynx --base basesystem
Once done, the system now has a new command named lynx
and it
can be called like a normal application as follows:
The launch indicator gives a hint that this is not a normal application but a container workload.
EOS comes with firecracker
which is a software by Amazon that
allows to run virtual machine images through KVM. This means for VM
workloads it's required that the machine EOS runs on supports KVM
Similar to containers flake-pilot
also supports VM
orchestration through the firecracker backend. Registration and startup
of a VM workload can be done as follows:
flake-ctl firecracker pull --name leap --kis-image https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/marcus.schaefer:/delta_containers/images_leap/firecracker-basesystem.$(uname -m).tar.xz
flake-ctl firecracker register --vm leap --app /usr/share/flakes/bin/mybash --target /bin/bash --overlay-size 20GiB
Once done, the system now has a new command named mybash
and it
can be called like a normal application as follows:
mybash --version
The launch indicator gives a hint that this is not a normal application but a VM workload
On EOS the only place to write anything is the flake registry.
Everything else is read-only on a filesystem that does not
implement write(). The target device for this registry can be
setup and activated through the flake-registry
Setup a new registry can be done as follows:
flake-registry --setup /dev/storage/device
NOTE: The given device will be wiped !
Activating a device setup as a flake registry can be done as follows:
flake-registry --activate /dev/storage/device
The EOS update server is built as an image as part of the EOS project here:
The EOS update server can update any A/B based system that follows the disk layout of EOS. Thus it is not limited to EOS but it requires the disk layout of EOS. As of today the update server image builds as AWS AMI only. The reason for this is because the concept of this update process perfectly fits into the cloud world. There can be multiple instances of update servers around the globe with connectivity as well as bandwidth and storage resources controlled by the cloud system.
The EOS update server AMI is not yet published and lives in a private AWS account. On interest please reach out for sharing the AMI ID with any given account.
Setup the server requires the following steps:
Launch an instance of the EOS Update Server AMI
Edit the file
and setup the image URL and local image name to fetch an EOS like system. There are entries of the form:--- update: - image: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/marcus.schaefer:/EOS/images_ALP/EOS.aarch64-RPI.raw.xz name: EOS.aarch64-RPI-ALP.raw - image: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/marcus.schaefer:/EOS/images_TW/EOS.aarch64-RPI.raw.xz name: EOS.aarch64-RPI-TW.raw
Call the os fetcher service
systemctl start os-fetch
This will call a one-shot service which fetches all the images referenced in
and starts the actualos-update-daemon@.timer
services. After the fetcher is done, the status of the individual update images can be watched as follows:systemctl status os-update-daemon@EOS.aarch64-RPI-TW.timer
To see all timers call:
ls -l /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/os-update-daemon*
The service will lookup periodically for changes of the image at the origin image URL. If the image has changed it will be fetched again. For setting up different lookup times the file
needs to be changed accordingly -
Enable SSH based access to the update images Edit the file
and add an entry of the form:command="/usr/bin/os-update-restricted.sh" KEY...
The value for
is the public key of the respective private key that is placed in thefleet
container pre-installed to the EOS like image. The os-update-restricted.sh command makes sure that only an os-update process is allowed with this key and nothing else.
For a closer look to the EOS update server, it helps to watch
the contents of /srv/www/fleet/os-images
. In this directory
all update images are hosted and loop-setup'ed such that only their
OS root device can be streamed through the network. For the above
example this looks like the following:
├── EOS.aarch64-RPI-TW.raw
├── EOS.aarch64-RPI-TW.raw.dev -> /dev/loop5p3
├── EOS.aarch64-RPI-TW.raw.sha
For update of the main OS, a tool called os-update
os-update uses /etc/os-update.yml
to get it's information about
updates. There is an update server instance running on AWS to provide
a public facing update server connected to the OBS project mentioned
in OS and AppStore Projects
Any instance of EOS can contact this server for updates of the main OS.
NOTE: The OS update process is based on the mentioned A/B partition based concept and intentionally only covers the main OS which excludes any data on the write partition that stores the user data, e.g the container registry or the firecracker repository
As EOS is a fully immutable OS, the check for an update is based on a simple checksum between the actual image on the update server and the current root device of the running system.
NOTE: To access the update server a key is required. This
credentials information is provided in a pre-installed container
named fleet
and must be protected for real production systems.
Along with the container a flake application of the same name is
To check for updates call:
fleet --getkey
os-update --check
To apply an OS update call:
os-update --apply
The update process will fetch the root OS partition and dump it in either A or B. After that the system gets activated through kexec. The kexec boot will commit the new system as the last systemd service in the chain. At this point we expect the system update to be successful. Only after commit the system has effectively changed the root partition device to either A or B. In case of any issue prior commit, no damage to the system has happened because no change was effectively committed. If the kexec turns the system into a dead loop or bricks it a power cycle needs to be issued to return the machine into a good state again. If, after all, the system committed the update but the update is not ok for some other reason, a rollback can be issued as follows:
os-update --rollback