EVM-based smart contracts development template using Solidity and Hardhat (and Remix IDE)
A good contract, aside from being secure and optimized, is readable.
Please refer here for styling guide rules: /~https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/blob/v0.8.26/docs/style-guide.rst
# clean and compile contract and hardhat
$ npm run compile
# check test accounts
$ npm run accounts
# test contract with option to report gas
# IMPORTANT: don't forget to start Ganache or other local ethereum chain
$ npm run test
$ npm run test:gas
# run linter with option to fix
$ npm run lint
$ npm run lint:fix
# check contract sizes
$ npx hardhat size-contracts
# To run in Remix, run in root location and open https://remix.ethereum.org/
$ remixd -s ./ --remix-ide https://remix.ethereum.org
# Below are some popular libraries to help smart contracts development
# install latest openzeppelin (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@openzeppelin/contracts)
$ npm i @openzeppelin/contracts
# install latest azuki erc721a (https://www.npmjs.com/package/erc721a)
$ npm i erc721a
# install OpenSea operator filter registry (for on-chain creator's fee implementation)
$ npm i operator-filter-registry
# deploy to contract to network
$ npm run deploy_<contract>:<network>
$ npm run deploy_greeter:ganache ...(example)
$ npm run deploy_greeter:sepolia ...(example)
For successful deployment, console prints looks like this:
>>> Network is set to sepolia
Deployer account: <deployer-wallet-address>
Balance: 12.222449615766618507 ETH
Deploying Greeter contract ...
Verifying Greeter contract ...
Nothing to compile
No need to generate any newer typings.
Successfully submitted source code for contract
contracts/Greeter.sol:Greeter at 0x0e10e90f67C67c2cB9DD5071674FDCfb7853a6F5
for verification on the block explorer. Waiting for verification result...
Successfully verified contract Greeter on Etherscan.
Greeter deployed to: 0x927ec7f1f1CA6b09d0c448868aAB2C56d465a6e8
When verifying with block explorers, uncomment the ff code snippet from scripts/deploy_*.ts
// verify in contract in explorer (etherscan, etc.)
await sleep(15000)
console.log("Verifying Greeter contract ...")
await hre.run("verify:verify", {
address: greeter.address,
constructorArguments: ["Kontrata Smart Contracts Template from Nuxify"], // provide if necessary
For detailed explanation on how hardhat works, check out Hardhat docs.
Made with ❤️ at Nuxify
Proudly used by Metapad