This project is a Telegram bot that monitors the uptime status of specified bots and updates their status in a designated channel. It periodically sends a /start
command to each monitored bot and checks if the bot is responsive. The results are then posted to a channel, and notifications can be sent if a bot is down.
This project is a clone of /~ with improved performance by using pyromod
which helps in receiving messages instead of waiting for a specific amount of time even if the message is received.
- Monitors the status of multiple bots.
- Updates the status messages in a designated channel every specific amount of time.
- Sends notifications if a bot is down.
- Uses
for efficient message handling.
- Python 3.7+
Before running the bot, you need to configure the following constants in a .env
API_HASH = "your_api_hash"
API_ID = "your_api_id"
BOTS = "bot1 bot2 bot3" # List of bot usernames to monitor (seperated by space)
MESSAGE_IDS = "12345678 87654321" # List of message IDs to update (seperated by space)
CHANNEL_ID = -1001234567890 # ID of the channel where status updates are posted
SESSION_STRING = "your_session_string" # check Generating Session String
SLEEP_TIME = 60 # Time in minutes between each check
GET_NOFIFIED = True # Set to True to receive notifications in saved messages if a bot is down (default: False)
To generate the session string, use the
from pyrogram import Client
API_ID = input("Please enter the API ID: ")
API_HASH = input("Please enter the API HASH: ")
app = Client("my_account", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH)
with app:
SESSION_STRING = app.export_session_string()
app.send_message("me", f"Your session string: `{SESSION_STRING}`")
Clone the Repository:
git clone /~ cd bot-status
Install the Required Packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate the Session String:
- Run the
script to generate the session string and update.env
- Run the
Configure the Constants:
- Create a
file with the required configuration constants as shown above.
- Create a
Run the Bot:
That's it! Your bot should now be running and checking the status of the specified bots, with added buttons for better interaction.