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Warframe Glyph Redeemer

Thanks Voltage for updating the list of codes on the warframe forums, if it weren't for this this would not have been possible.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Glyph Redeemer is a Node.js application powered by Puppeteer, designed to automate the process of redeeming all the available glyph codes.

Disclaimer: I originally developed this application for personal use to redeem Warframe glyph codes, feel free to point out any bugs or problems. Please be aware that this application interacts with your Warframe account and relies on web scraping techniques. The use of automated tools like this may potentially violate Warframe's Terms of Service.

2. Prerequisites

You will only need this if you want to contribute, if you simply want to use Glyph Redeemer skip to Download

3. Contributing

This is only if you want to contribute to this repository or make changes to the code for yourself, if you only want to use this software go to Download.

  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone /~
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    $ cd glyph-redeemer
  3. Install project dependencies:

    $ npm install
  4. Launch the application:

    $ npm start
  5. If you want to build the application you can do it by running:

    $ npm run build

    This will make an executable for windows, linux and mac

4. Download

You can download the pre-built executable for your operating system from the Releases section of this repository.

Additionally, you will need a browser extension for cookie management based on your preferred web browser like Cookie Editor. It's available for Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Edge and Opera

After installing cookie editor make sure to click on All sites when the extensions requests permission image

5. Usage


  • On windows after executing the .exe file you might have to click on moreinfo and then "Run anyway"


  1. Visit the Warframe official website and log in to your account.

  2. Use the cookie editor extension to export your cookies as JSON.

    Cookie Editor

  3. Paste the exported cookies into the following directory:

  4. You are now prepared to start the Warframe Glyph Redeemer.

  5. The application will download Chromium to your AppData folder if you are on windows to use with Puppeteer and attempt to log in to your Warframe account.
    If you are on linux, chromium will be installed on ~/.local/share/glyphRedeemer or mac ~/Library/Preferences/glyphRedeemer

  6. It will then start redeeming the codes, displaying success or failure for each code.

    Glyph Redeemer in Action

After trying to redeem all the codes, the application will ask you if you want to remove the downloaded Chromium.

Table of codes with images

6ixGatsu AdmiralBahroo AeonKnight86 AGayGuyPlays
Akari AlainLove AlexanderDario Amprov
AngryUnicorn AnjetCat AnnoyingKillah ArgonSix
AshiSogiTenno AsuraTenshi Avelna Aznitrous
BigJimID BlackOni BlazingCobalt BlueberryCat
BluyayoGamer BrazilCommunityDiscord Bricky Brozime
Buff00n BurnBxx Bwana CalamityDeath
CaleyEmerald CanOfCraig Carchara Casardis
CephalonSquared CGsKnackie ChacyTay Char
Chelestra Cleonaturin Codoma CohhCarnage
ColdScar ColdTiger ConclaveDiscord ConfusedWarframe
CopyKavat Cpt_Kim Crowdi Daidaikiri
DanielTheDemon Danily DasterCreations DatLoon
DayJobo DebbySheen Deejayknight DeepBlueBeard
Destrohido DeuceTheGamer DillyFrame DimitriV2
Disfusional DjTechLive DKDiamantes DNexus
EdRick Eduiy16 ElDanker ElGrineerExiliado
EliceGameplay Elnoraeleo Emovj EmpyreanCap
Endotti_ Eterion ExtraCredits FacelessBeanie
FashionFrameIsEndGame Fated2Perish FeelLikeAPlayer FerreusDemon
Finlaena FloofyDwagon FR4G-TP FrostyNovaPrime
Frozenballz Gara GermanCommunityDiscord Gingy
GlamShatterSkull Golden GrindHardSquad H3DSH0T
HappinessDark HomiInvocado HotShomStories Hydroxate
iFlynn IISlip Ikedo Im7heClown
InfernoTheFireLord InfoDiversao ItsJustToe IWoply
JamieVoiceOver JessiThrower JoeyZero Joriale
JustRLC K1llerBarbie KavatsSchroedinger KenshinWF
KingGothaLion Kirarahime Kiwad Kr1ptonPlayer
Kretduy L1feWater LadyNovita LadyTheLaddy
LeoDoodling LeyzarGamingViews LightMicke LightningCosplay
LilLexi LucianPlaysAllDay LynxAria Macho
MadFury Makarimorph MaoMix MCGamerCZ
McMonkeys MeCore MedusaCaptures MHBlacky
MichelPostma MikeTheBard MissFwuffy MisterGamer
MjikThize Mogamu MrRoadBlock MrSteelWar
MrWarframeGuy NomNom NoSympathyy Np161
OddieOwl OOSIJ OriginalWickedFun OrpheusDeluxe
Ozku PammyJammy Pandaahh PapaTLion
Parvos PlagueDirector PlexiCosplay PokketNinja
PostiTV PrimedAverage ProfessorBroman Purkinje
PurpleFlurp Pyrah PyrrhicSerenity r/Warframe
RagingTerror Rahetalius Rahny RainbowWaffles
RelentlessZen ReyGanso Rippz0r Ritens
RoyalPrat RustyFin Sapmatic SarahTsang
Scallion ScarletMoon Searyn SerdarSari
Sharlazard ShenZhao Sherpa Shul
SiejoUmbra SilentMashiko SillFix SkillUp
Smoodie Sn0wRC SpaceWaifu Spandy
Str8opticroyal Strippin StudioCyen TacticalPotato
Tanandra Tanchan TBGKaru TeaWrex
TheGamio TheKengineer ThePanda TinBears
TioMario TioRamon Tortoise TotalN3wb
TrashFrame Triburos Twila UnrealYuki
UreiFen VAMP6X6X6X Varlinator VashCowaii
Vernoc VoidFissureBR Voli VoltTheHero
VVhiteAngel Wanderbots WarframeCommunityDiscord WarframeRunway
WarframeWiki WealWest WideScreenJohn Woxli
xBocchanVTx Xenogelion xxVampixx YourLuckyClover
Zarionis Zxpfer

6. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

This README was made with the help of chatgpt