A simple aspect ratio calculator for desktop operating systems written in Java 8
Should work on any desktop operating system that can run Java 8. Designed and built on ElementaryOS 0.4 Loki.
- Version 0.05 Alpha - Finalized input validation
- Version 0.04 Alpha - Bugfix: Crash when entering 0 as width/height
- Version 0.03 Alpha - Adds input validation for negative numbers
- Version 0.02 Alpha - Bugfix: Crash when entering non-integer characters
- Version 0.01 Alpha - Initial Release
Known Bugs:
- UI elements can be misaligned
If you find a bug, please email me alexnoyle@icloud.com, or open an issue on the repo. Suggestions are also appreciated.
- Revise UI - switch to scalable UI layout manager with centering?
- Add a toggle switch for dark mode
- Add a visual chart showing the most common narrow --> wide Aspect Ratios
- Add "about" section
- Add icon to .jar (wrap executable for various OSes)?
- Add dark mode style inside of error messages
- Refactor code