Download and gemrb.vpk files from /~
Install gemrb.vpk to your Vita. Extract "GemRB" folder from to ux0:data.
Copy original game folder to ux0:data/GemRB/ and edit ux0:data/GemRB/GemRB.cfg file (set correct GameType
and GamePath
parameters. Game auto detection isn't working, so set GameType
LiveArea launcher supports launching different games from it by selecting appropriate game title.
Here are the game config names and default game folders (where you should copy your game data) that are used by each title (configs should be located in ux0:data/GemRB/):
- Baldur's Gate -
. Default game path:ux0:data/GemRB/BG1
- Baldur's Gate 2 -
. Default game path:ux0:data/GemRB/BG2
- Icewind Dale -
. Default game path:ux0:data/GemRB/IWD
- Icewind Dale 2 -
. Default game path:ux0:data/GemRB/IWD2
- Planescape: Torment -
. Default game path:ux0:data/GemRB/PST
rePatch reDux0 OR FdFix plugin is required for proper suspend/resume support (only use one at a time).
bg2fixpack is recommended for BG2 (not sure about fixpacks for any other games).
- DolceSDK
- libSDL 1.2
- SDL_mixer
- libpython
- libc_bridge
- iconv (optional)
mkdir build && cd build
Generated VPK file is located in build/gemrb folder. Install it to your Vita system.
Copy folders GUIScripts
, override
and unhardcoded
from gemrb folder into ux0:data/GemRB/
Rename build/gemrb/GemRB.cfg.sample into GemRB.cfg, copy it to ux0:data/GemRB/ and change the following options:
Bpp=16 #recommended for better performance.
Debug output can be previewed with psp2shell
Keyboard input is done with D-Pad (on character creation and game saves. 'a-z', '0-9', 'space' and some special characters for console commands are supported).
- Left - Remove character
- Right - Add new character
- Down - Next character (alphabetically)
- Up - Previous character
- R1, L1 - Switch current character between uppercase/lowercase
Pointer movement speed can be changed with GamepadPointerSpeed
parameter in GemRB.cfg.
Use Fullscreen=1
to scale game area to native Vita resolution or Fullscreen=0
to keep game area at the center of the screen.
(option is active only when used with Fullscreen=1
) uses bilinear filter while scaling the game surface. VitaBilinear=0
uses the nearest filtering.
keeps aspect ratio of original image when scaling. VitaKeepAspectRatio=0
just scales it to 960x544.
Both openal and sdlaudio audio plugins are supported. openal
has enviromental audio support and a bit better audio quality in general. sdlaudio
is using less resources while providing most of the functionality. You can change audio backend by editing config file:
Widescreen mod is supported, but performance with native resolution can be poor in areas with a lot of characters.
option is recommended for better performance. The game is pretty IO heavy, loading can take quite some time. Disabling walking and combat sounds may reduce stutters during initial load of audio files into the cache.
- Left analog stick - Pointer movement
- × - Left mouse button
- ○ - Right mouse button
- □ - Open map (M key)
- △ - Open inventory (I key)
- D-Pad Up - Open character record (R key)
- D-Pad Down - Open journal (J key)
- D-Pad Left - Priest spells (P key)
- D-Pad Right - Wizard spells (W key)
- Right analog stick - Map scrolling
- R1 - Pause
- L1 - Highlight items
- SELECT - Open menu
- START - Escape
- L1 + R1 + △ - Open/Close console
- START - Enter command (while console is opened)
You can remap □, △ and D-Pad buttons by editing Keymap.ini
in individual game folder and assigning M, I, R, J, P, W keys to your liking.
GemRB (Game Engine Made with preRendered Background) is a portable open-source reimplementation of the Infinity Engine that underpinned Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment. It sports a cleaner design, greater extensibility and several innovations. Would you like to create a game like Baldur's Gate?
To try it out you either need some of the ORIGINAL game's data or you can get a tiny sneak peek by running the included trivial game demo.
The original game data has to be installed if you want to see anything but the included trivial demo. On non-windows systems either copy it over from a windows install, use a compatible installer, WINE or extract it manually from the CDs using the unshield tool.
Documentation can be found on the website, while the sources are in gemrb/docs/en/ and the gemrb.6 man page.
If you want to help out, start by reading this list of options, tips and priorities.
Architectures and platforms that successfully run or ran GemRB:
- Linux x86, x86-64, ppc, mips (s390x builds, but no running info)
- FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD
- MS Windows
- various Macintosh systems (even pre x86)
- some smart phones (Symbian, Android, other Linux-based, iOS)
- some consoles (OpenPandora, Dingoo)
- some exotic OSes (ReactOS, SyllableOS, Haiku, AmigaOS)
If you have something to add to the list or if an entry doesn't work any more, do let us know!
See the INSTALL file.
There are several ways you can get in touch:
- Homepage
- GemRB forum
- IRC channel, #GemRB on the FreeNode IRC network
- Discord channel (Gibberlings3 server)
- Bug tracker
Original engine research and data manipulation software:
- IESDP, documentation for the Infinity Engine file formats and more
- Near Infinity, Java viewer and editor for data files
- DLTCEP, MS Windows viewer and editor for data files
- iesh, IE python library and shell (for exploring data files)
Tools that can help with data installation: