- Viewport space represents a normalized position relative to the camera.
converts a normalized position on the screen to a in 3D position in world space.
(0,1) __________ (1,1)
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- Multiple image layers scrolling at different speeds.
- Gives an artificial sense of depth.
- More layers give more depth.
- Audio Listener - to "hear" the audio.
- Audio Source - to "play" the audio.
- Audio File - the "sounds" that get played.
- Clamps the given value between the given minimum float and maximum float values.
- Returns the given value if it is within the minimum and maximum range.
- Returns the minimum value if the given float value is less than the minimum.
- Returns the maximum value if the given value is greater than the maximum value.
- Use Clamp to restrict a value to a range that is defined by the minimum and maximum values.
- NOTE: if the minimum value is is greater than the maximum value, the method returns the minimum value.
- Parameters:
- value - the floating point value to restrict inside the range defined by the minimum and maximum values;
- min - the minimum floating point value to compare against;
- max - the maximum floating point value to compare against.
- Returns float (the float result between the minimum and maximum values).
Runs a set number of times.
for(int i = 0; i < parent.childCount; i++)
// do stuff
Works the same as a for loop but doesn't track the iterator.
foreach(type child in parent)
// do stuff
Runs continuously while some condition is true.
while(condition == true)
// do stuff
Runs once and then continuously repeats while some condition is true.
// stuff
while(condition == true);