CSLua is a C# library for marshalling to the C interface in the native Windows Lua 5.1 DLL. It allows you to run lua scripts using the same DLL as if building code natively with C or C++.
More details can be found on the original project page at http://notions.okuda.ca/csharpprojects/cslua/.
This distribution includes the Lua Win32 DLL built with Visual Studio 15 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.1.5/Windows%20Libraries/Dynamic/. It may be possible to work with other binary builds of Lua 5.1 but they have not been tested.
CSLua supports the core Lua C API and includes a C# class wrapper for binding C# objects from Lua script.
The CSLua.LuaDll class contains the C# version of the interface defined in lua.h and lauxlib.h. All functions and types in lua.h and lauxlib.h are represented.
See tests/LuaDllTests.cs for examples
The CSLua.LuaState class is a more C# friendly API to the Lua runtime. It supports registering Action<> and Func<> and C# Objects within Lua to expose as functions and tables within Lua.
See tests/LuaStateTests.cs for examples
Add more documentation Upgrade to newer versions of Lua Either download the Lua DLL or build it from source rather than include it in the git repo.