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Summary of Used Technologies

The project poke-api-vue-global employs a combination of modern web development technologies with Vue.js, focusing on a robust and efficient structure for single-page applications (SPA). Below is a summary of the key technologies and libraries used:
Vue.js 3.2.13: A progressive framework for building user interfaces. It serves as the foundation of the project and is used to create reactive and dynamic components.

Vuex 4.0.0: State management library for Vue.js. It is used to manage the application's global state centrally.

Vue Router 4.0.3: The official router for Vue.js. It allows for navigation between pages without reloading the browser.

Axios 1.7.2: Promise-based HTTP client for making requests to external APIs, such as the Pokémon API in this case.

Lodash.debounce 4.0.8: A lodash function to limit the rate at which a function is invoked, useful for enhancing performance by reducing the number of calls to costly operations.

Vue Lazyload and Vue3-lazy: Libraries for lazy loading images and other components in Vue, optimizing initial load time and performance of the application.

Service Worker and PWA (Progressive Web App): Configurations to allow the application to work offline and behave like a native app on compatible devices.

Jest and Vue Test Utils: Used for unit testing Vue components, ensuring functionalities meet the established requirements before deployment.

ESLint and TypeScript: ESLint to maintain code quality and TypeScript to add static typing to the project, improving code readability and maintainability.

SASS: CSS preprocessor that allows writing more complex and organized styles.

Project setup

npm i

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Run unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Poke API UI using Vue3 and SCSS






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