This a Simple Restful API Template Project that you can use as a reference to learn the basics of Restful API Development with a different framework than ExpressJS in this case using Fastify to mount a web service
This is not a Course but i will expose some useful information if you want to build and test this project with your own MongoDB database
I've deployed this app previously on render, you can open this links to see the code in action
If you notice there is delay on the reply, please wait the free web service on render may shutdown the server when there is no use
- GET Hola Mundo desde MongoDB :)
- You need an API key to test POST, PUT AND DELETE, so test this locally please
I'm assuming you have a MongoDB database already mounted locally or you have a MongoDB Atlas Cluster, if you haven't, please create one
- NodeJS
- Npm
- MongoDB Atlas Cluster or MongoDB (Locally or in your own Server)
- Git
- Text Editor (VS Code)
- If you don't have it, please install Node.js >> Here
- If you dont have it, please Install Git >> Here
Is a must have to install this tools, then restart your PC
You need to create a folder where you want to clone this repo, i suggest to create a git folder on your personal user home: C:/users/<your_user>/git
Then open the created folder and once you are in, open a Terminal / CMD / Git Bash / Bash and type:
git clone /~
This will clone the repo and you will have access to this project locally 🍻
Now you have everything installed open the Project folder, if you have done following my instructions the route will be C:/users/<your_user>/git/rest-api-fastify
Open a terminal and install the dependencies from the Package.json with the following command:
npm install
This is gonna create the node_modules folder, when everything is installed, execute this just in case of any problem with nodemon:
npm install nodemon --save-dev
Then the last step to have everything ready with the backend project is to include the env file. To do this you need to open the project folder with the text editor of your preference.
When you can see all the files you need to create a file without extension called .env
Will to look like this:
.env -> You need to create this file
Inside this file you need to add the following code and complete the info with the route to your database
CON_STR = "your_connection_string"
API_KEY = "choose a password for post, put and delete"
DB = "name of your database"
COLLECTION = "name of your collection"
HOST = "default localhost"
PORT = "default 3000"
Once you complete the previous configuration, you're ready to test it, to do that just open a terminal inside the project folder and run any of this scripts:
npm run dev -> this one gonna launch nodemon index.js
npm run start -> this one gonna launch node index.js
If you want to develop changes over the code use dev, this one is going to use nodemon and you will be able to see changes in real time if you make a save when the server is running
For those who wants to deploy this API on Render
Make sure to create a new repo on your github, make a push to it, create a web service on render and connect to it, i will leave a code to make the git push easier:
// Make sure to Copy this code line by line on your terminal
git remote remove origin
git remote add <the_url_of_your_repo>
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git branch -M main
git push origin main
When you're ready please take care of include all the env variables you have on .env changing HOST to into the environment variables panel when you config your web service on RENDER:
Please leave a star if you like this project and follow me, you can always fork this project and suggest changes if you want 🫂