A service to transfer the exact structure of a directory to another place.
It consists of a rust server that acts as a main source of data, and clients (android kotlin app and rust cli), that communicate with http, and transfer files via websockets.
I created it because I could not find a easy solution to sync my files on a android phone with files on my computer.
Server is tested and built on linux, it may not work on windows.
- get list of files
- get / set files
- config file and cli params
- multiple sources
- one-way allowed transfers
- per-user permissions to sources
- get list of files
- get / set files
- config file and cli params
- multiple sources
- get list of files
- get / set files
- multiple sources
- add sources in-app
- persistent sources
- scheduled sync
- transfer only necesary files
- better support for scoped storage
clone the project
git clone git@github.com:NikodemMarek/anysync.git
go to the project directory
cd anysync
go to the server directory
cd server
install dependencies
cargo install
start the server
cargo run
currently not working
you can run the app from android studio
go to the app directory
cd app
connect a physical device and enable file transfer and usb debugging
start adb server
adb server
run gradle task
./gradlew installDebug
port = 5050
name = "name"
path = "path/to/source"
actions = "none" # none, get, set, getset
currently not working