A simple Jenkins command line client to serve your needs.
- Motivation
- Supported Platforms
- Installation
- Getting Help
- Usage
- Development
- What's in a name?
We live on the command line, and anything that can help us stay there longer is a boon to productivity. While the Jenkins web interface is nice for many, it is a distracting context switch for us.
Our goal for this tool is to replicate many of the workflows that we use day-to-day through the web interface in a single, easy to use command line client. Additionally, many of the existing clients are either not under active development or do not satisfy the below requirements for a CLI Jenkins client.
A few reasons:
's focus is on translating workflows from the web ui to the command line.- It is not meant to be a replacement for the Jenkins CLI jar, where the primary focus is on remotely administrating a Jenkins instance
's output is primarly JSON, which means that it can be piped into tools like jq and scripted programmatically- Profile support to alleviate the tedium of working with multiple Jenkins
- Similar in spirit to AWS CLI profiles
- Some Jenkins instances are not configured to allow JNLP access
instead talks to Jenkins over its REST API
- We want a tool that can be installed as a static binary
You could, but you'll end up typing a lot more in the long run. bartlett
support for profiles and CSRF crumb generation means that authentication and
Jenkins instance resolution are done for you at invocation. You also don't
have to worry about exposing your password since bartlett
doesn't accept it
as a configuration or command line option (only requested at runtime with
hidden input).
is currently built and tested for the following platforms:
Platform | Version |
Mac OSX | El Capitan and above |
If you would like to assist in building and testing versions for more platforms please check the issue tracker for your platform of choice.
Homebrew is an OSX specific application that allows users to install applications that didn't come with Apple's operating system.
For help installing Homebrew see the installation instructions here.
If you haven't already, be sure to enable Nike's tap:
brew tap nike-inc/nike && brew update
Then install bartlett with the following command:
brew install bartlett
Recent versions of Homebrew periodically refresh package indexes, but if you do not see the latest version of Bartlett then running the following command will force a refresh:
brew update
Then, upgrade to the latest version
brew upgrade bartlett
Make sure you have Stack installed before you begin.
Change directory to where you store your development projects:
git clone /~https://github.com/Nike-Inc/bartlett.git
cd bartlett && stack build && stack install
At this time the best way to contact us is by filing an issue. We hope to expand our level of support to other mediums in the near future.
Bartlett will honor any protocol explicitly passed on the command line or via configuration. However, if no protocol is provided then Bartlett will attempt to contact your Jenkins instance via HTTPS. It is strongly recommended that you talk to your Jenkins instance via HTTPS when possible.
You can get a list of available options with the -h
$ bartlett -h
bartlett 1.6.0 - the Jenkins command-line tool to serve your needs.
Usage: bartlett [--version] [-u|--username USERNAME]
[-j|--jenkins JENKINS_INSTANCE] [-p|--profile PROFILE_NAME]
[--refresh-credentials] COMMAND
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--version Print the current version and exit.
-u,--username USERNAME The user to authenticate with
The Jenkins instance to interact with
-p,--profile PROFILE_NAME
The profile to source values from
--refresh-credentials Force a refresh of the credentials cache for the
current profile.
Available commands:
info Get information on the given job
build Trigger a build for the given job
config Manage XML configurations for jobs
artifact Download artifacts from jobs
log Print (or follow) log output for jobs
Copyright (c) Nike, Inc. 2016-present
You can query for basic information about a given job by providing the path from the root of your Jenkins instance to the desired job.
For example, if my job exists at
, then I can query
this job's information like so:
bartlett --username my_user --jenkins https://my.jenkins-instance.com info TEST/testJob
You can also pass this output directly to the jq tool to query data even further:
$ bartlett --username my_user \
--jenkins https://my.jenkins-instance.com info TEST/testJob \
| jq '.jobs | .[] | .name'
You can even pass in multiple jobs at once by separating each job path with a space:
$ bartlett -u my_user -j https://my.jenkins-instance.com \
info FOO BAR | jq '.jobs | .[] | .name'
Enter password:
You may find after a while that entering your password for each invocation becomes tedious. For your convenience, Bartlett can cache user passwords on a per profile basis. See the "Configuring Profiles" section for more information.
You can build parameterized and normal jobs by using the build
For example, if my job exists at
, then I can trigger its
build like so:
$ bartlett --username my_user \
--jenkins https://my.jenkins-instance.com build /~my_user/test
Enter password:
"status": "201"
Or, if I have a job with parameters, I can pass these parameters in using the
$ bartlett --username my_user --jenkins https://my.jenkins-instance.com \
build /~my_user/test --options FOO=bar,BAZ=quux
Enter password:
"status": "201"
You can manage the XML job configurations for any job on your Jenkins instance
by using the config
To get the current configuration for your job run the config
against the path to your job:
bartlett --username my_user --jenkins https://my.jenkins.com \
config /path/to/my/job
Enter password:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project>
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
<command>echo "lolwut there"</command>
We can pipe the output of the previous command to a file, make some modifications, and then update the configuration with the following command:
bartlett --username my_user --jenkins https://my.jenkins.com \
config /path/to/my/job -f ./config.xml
Enter password:
"statusMessage": "OK",
"statusCode": 200
You can delete an existing job by passing the -d
flag to a config
bartlett --username user --jenkins https://my-jenkins.com \
config -d /path/to/job/to/delete
Enter password:
"statusMessage": "OK",
"statusCode": 200
Artifacts can be downloaded for a given job by using the artifact
At this time only one artifcat may be downloaded at a time.
bartlett --username my-user --jenkins https://my-jenkins.com \
artifact /path/to/job my-artifact-id
Enter password:
echo "foo" > foo.txt
Artifacts are currently sent to STDOUT, which works for simple files, but my not be desirable for larger files or binaries. It is recommended at this time to pipe artifact output directly to a file:
bartlett --username my-user --jenkins https://my-jenkins.com \
artifact /path/to/job my-artifact-id > my-artifact-id.txt
Enter password:
Log output can be printed for a given job with the log
bartlett --username my-user --jenkins https://my-jenkins.com \
log /path/to/job 42 # The job invocation to get logs for
Logs are printed to STDOUT and can be manipulated with standard UNIX tools. For example, let's say we only care that a job completed successfully. We can achieve this simple goal by piping log output to grep:
bartlett --username my-user --jenkins https://my-jenkins.com \
log /path/to/job 42 | grep SUCCESS
Finished: SUCCESS
You may also stream log output for a long-running job by passing the -f
flags to the log
bartlett --username my-user --jenkins https://my-jenkins.com \
log /path/to/job --follow 42
Job output...
Job output...
Job output...
Job output...
You may store configuration values for many different Jenkins instances. First create a bartlett configuration file:
touch ~/.bartlett.cfg && $EDITOR ~/.bartlett.cfg
By default, values will attempt to be sourced from the default
# The default profile
default {
jenkins_instance = "https://my.jenkins-instance.com"
username = "my_user"
# Additional profile
dank_profile {
jenkins_instance = "https://dank.jenkins-instance.com"
username = "wewlad"
You can then invoke Bartlett without providing user or Jenkins options:
bartlett info / # Uses the default profile from above
bartlett --profile dank_profile info / # Source a different profile
If a value is provided on the command line AND configured in a profile, then the value provided on the command line will take precedence.
The following values are supported by the latest version of Bartlett:
Value | Default | Description |
username |
None | The username to authenticate against Jenkins with. |
jenkins_instance |
None | The Jenkins instance to interact with. |
store_password |
false | If true, securely store the user's password on next invocation. |
Bartlett will attempt to store user credentials using OSX's Keychain service. By default, passwords are not stored and must explictly enable storage using the above configuration options for each profile.
If for any reason your password becomes incorrect or you'd like to change the
cached user for a given profile, then you may refresh the stored information for
a profile by passing the --refresh-credentials
bartlett --refresh-credentials --profile my_profile info /
Make sure you have Stack installed before you begin.
Then build the project:
stack build
Or alternatively start a REPL to test things out interactively:
stack ghci
When actively working on a feature we'll typically run the following to get automatic feedback as we write code:
stack build --test --coverage --haddock --copy-bins --file-watch
Or run the make target:
make watch
To exit out of this loop type quit
(instead of C-c).
Surprise, more Stack options!
stack build --force-dirty --haddock --copy-bins
Or use the make target:
make package-bin
Leslie Bartlett was a famous butler who founded the London School of British Butlers.