This project is a team project from my university. We intended to build a management system to manage a blood bank. Therefor, we provides 3 web applications for User (Landing Page), Hospital (hospital accounts) and Admins (Admin Page). We also implement other features such as organize/manage Blood Donation Events, ...
Here are some of the basis required feature:
- ℹ️ Provide basic information about Blood for users (in landing page)
- 🕹 Manage blood storage (in admin page)
- 📃 Dashboard for admin to view important information (in admin page)
- 🩸 Create and Organize Blood Donation events (in admin page)
- 💉 Register for a blood donation events
- More screenshots and features here
For front end
For the backend API
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up our project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Node.js >= v14.17.4
NPM >= v6.14.14
.NET v5.0
MongoDB v5.0.5
OS: Linux or MacOS
⚠️ Please make sure that MongoDB and .NET are installed.
⚠️ Please re-install all the dependencies every time you test.
⚠️ Commands for this project are wrote for Linux-based OS. They may not work on Windows machines.
Clone the repo and change directory to that folder
git clone /~
Change directory to /backend, create an .env file and enter your localhost MongoDB URL
MongoDB=<Your Mongo DB URL>
Go back to the root folder, install all front-end dependencies
npm run install-all
Build and serve the websites
npm start
If everything works correctly, you could visit the website on .
If there is any error (or for debug/development purpose), you can run the project by follow the below steps.
As the introduction indicated, the main purpose of this project is for blood bank management, after the installation successfully, you can explore around our web application to enjoy all of its functionalities.
- Landing Pages: Provide basic information of blood and the important of blood donation. Display and provide for users a way to register for blood donation events.
- Admin Pages: Provide a way for administrators to manage Blood, blood incomes/outcomes, events, users, hospitals ... .
Admin page Screenshots
Dashboard - Provides brief and recent information
Blood Storage - Monitor the amount of each blood type from storage
Donors Management - Manage information of donors
Events Management - Manage information of each blood donation event
Users Management - Manage information and permission of each user, provide accounts for new users
Hospitals Management - Manage information
Donation Management - Manage each donations from a blood donation events. Suppose each donations from an event will be captured in an Excel file, user can upload a excel file to save the donation info. (Here a sample excel file)
Requests Management - Manage each blood request from a hospital. (Here a screenshots of hospital blood requests form.)
- Hospital Pages: Provide a way for hospital to requests blood from the bank.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License.
Trương Hoàng Thuận (Captain 💕) - @truonghoangthuan
Ngô Hồng Quốc Bảo - @NgoQuocBao
Lê Chánh Nhựt - @lcnhut070200
Bùi Quốc Trọng - @trongbui1105
- This awesome README temaplate is from Best README Template. ♥
- Admin pages UI are inspired from Sakai Prime Vue.