Releases: Netflix/karyon
Releases · Netflix/karyon
v3.0.1-rc.23: Merge pull request #317 from elandau/3.x_dev
- Refactor v3 admin to a cleaner service/method[request, response] object model and routing
- Move v3 admin to port 8076 so it does not conflict when running with v2 admin
v3.0.1-rc.22: Merge pull request #316 from elandau/3.x_dev
- Re-add cache support for static resources
- Decouple admin rest static resources from admin ui config
- Draw a flame graph for object provisioning
- Fix admin page header
v3.0.1-rc.21: Merge pull request #315 from elandau/3.x_dev
- Add filters to SimpleHttpServer
- Remove HttpSimpleServerStarter in favor of binding servers as eager singleton
- Automatically add logging and counting filter to SimpleHttpServer instances
- Fix resource leak bug in SimpleHttpServer
- Add system-mbean admin resource
- Log4J2 binding is now fully configurable from Archaius Config with dynamic configuration updates
- Fix ConditionalOnMissingBindging to return true if injection point exists but not binding exists
v3.0.1-rc.20: Merge pull request #309 from tbak/3.x
- Upgrade from eureka-client 1.2.0 to 1.3.3
- Support serving static resources from REST Admin Port
- Admin resource for thread stacks
v3.0.1-rc.18: Merge pull request #304 from elandau/3.x_transformers
- Replace all '@' prefixed properties with 'karyon.'
- Fix issue with local Admin UI server not loading correctly
- Deprecate Karyon.create() and replace with Karyon.forApplication()
- Fix KaryonCascadingStrategy to properly order overrides
v3.0.1-rc.17: Merge pull request #301 from elandau/3.x_transformers
- Update to archaius 2.0.0-rc.33
- Admin UI now uses @publicHostname for default redirect (as opposed to @hostname, which resolved to a private IP in the cloud)
- Introduce ModuleListTransformer as a hook for custom binding manipulation prior to creating the injector
- Move move classes from Governator to Karyon
v3.0.1-rc.15: Merge pull request #299 from elandau/3.x_archaius
- Wait for injector shutdown in KaryonRule
v3.0.1-rc.14: Merge pull request #292 from elandau/3.x_archaius
- Breaking API change for creating Karyon. (see karyon3-examples for new usage)
- Incorporate Governator's conditional module loading annotations and implementation in preparation from decoupling from governator. Governator's annotations are no longer supported.
- Automatically add ArchaiusKayronModule to enable Archaius2 as the configuration implementation
- AdminServerConfig uses ${@hostname} for admin page redirect url
- Introduce KaryonRule to simplify unit tests
- Introduce KaryonCascadeStrategy for cascade configuration loading using environment and profiles
- KaryonFeatures.USE_DEFAULT_KARYON_MODULE to disable scanning ''
- KaryonFeatures. USE_ARCHAIUS to disable auto installing archaius if no PropertySource specified
v3.0.1-rc.13: Merge pull request #291 from elandau/3.x_archaius
More javadoc fixes
v3.0.1-rc.2: Merge pull request #237 from elandau/3.x
Archaius integration improvements