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Merge pull request #299 from elandau/3.x_archaius
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Documentation and cleanup of KaryonRule
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elandau committed Oct 8, 2015
2 parents 2ca8547 + 651247f commit fe1904c
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181 changes: 96 additions & 85 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Karyon3 is a integration framework focused on bootstrapping JVM application using netflix OSS such as Governator, Archaius, Eureka and RxNetty. Karyon3 makes use of dependency injection (specifically using Google Guice) with Goveranator's context based conditional module loading to transparently load bindings and configurations for the environment in which the application is running. Karyon3 is broken up into sub-projects on functional and dependency boundaries to reduce pulling in excessive dependencies.
Karyon3 is a integration framework focused on bootstrapping JVM application using netflix OSS such as Governator, Archaius, Eureka and RxNetty. Karyon3 makes use of dependency injection (specifically using Google Guice) with additional support for context based conditional module loading to transparently load bindings and configurations for the environment in which the application is running. Karyon3 is broken up into sub-projects on functional and dependency boundaries to reduce pulling in excessive dependencies.

Core features
- Minimize dependencies
Expand All @@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ Note that Karyon3 is meant to be container agnostic and can run inside Tomcat, s
Getting Started
Karyon is currently available as a snapshot via jfrog.
Karyon is currently available as a release candidate

repositories {
maven { url '' }
compile "'
compile "{karyon-version}'
Please set karyon-version to the latest 3.0.1-rc.+ available on maven central
Expand All @@ -31,48 +31,44 @@ A Karyon3 based main should normally consist of a simple block of code to create
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Default archaius based karyon configuration
// Add any guice module
new ApplicationModule())
// Block until the application terminates
// Add any guice module
new ApplicationModule())
// Block until the application terminates
Running in Tomcat
To run in tomcat simply extend Governator's GovernatorServletContextListener and create the injector just as you would a standalone application.
To run in tomcat simply extend Karyon's KaryonServletContextListener and create the injector just as you would a standalone application.
First, add a dependency on governator-servlet (TODO: Make this a karyon sub-project)
First, add a dependency on karyon-servlet
compile ""
compile "{karyon-version}"
Next, write your ContextListener
package com.example;
public class MyContextListener extends GovernatorServletContextListener {
public class MyContextListener extends KaryonServletContextListener {
protected Injector createInjector() {
return Karyon.createInjector(
return Karyon
new EurekaModule(),
new ArchaiusModule(),
new ServletModule() {
// ... more modules
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,16 +100,13 @@ Running with Jetty
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Default archaius based karyon configuration
// Add any guice module
new ApplicationModule(),
new JettyModule()
// Add any guice module
new ApplicationModule(),
new JettyModule()
// Block until the application terminates
Expand All @@ -123,17 +116,15 @@ public class HelloWorld {
Conditional module loading
Karyon makes use of Governator's conditional module loading to auto install Guice modules based on the application runtime environment. Conditionals can depend on property values, modules having been installed, bindings, etc. An example use case would be to set the appropriate bindings for running Eureka locally as opposed to running in the cloud without requiring the developer to know which specific bindings to override. For conditional bindings to work all the jars must be in the classpath and the modules made known to Karyon/Governator via a ModuleListProvider (such as ClassPathModuleListProvider, ServiceLoaderModuleListProvider, etc...). By default karyon will include any modules under the '' package.
Karyon supports conditional module loading to auto install Guice modules based on the application runtime environment. Conditionals can depend on property values, modules having been installed, bindings, etc. An example use case would be to set the appropriate bindings for running Eureka locally as opposed to running in the cloud without requiring the developer to know which specific bindings to override. For conditional bindings to work all the jars must be in the classpath and the modules made known to Karyonvia a ModuleListProvider (such as ClassPathModuleListProvider, ServiceLoaderModuleListProvider, etc...). By default karyon will include any modules under the '' package.
In addition to the conditionals built in to Governator Karyon offers two key conditionals, ConditionalOnLocalDev and ConditionalOnEc2 that can be used to load specific modules (i.e. bindings) for local development and unit tests or when running in an EC2 environment.
In addition to the conditionals built in to Karyon offers two key conditionals, ConditionalOnLocalDev and ConditionalOnEc2 that can be used to load specific modules (i.e. bindings) for local development and unit tests or when running in an EC2 environment.
For example,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,7 +281,7 @@ Health check
Instance health is an important aspect of any cloud ready application. It is used for service discovery as well as bad instance termination. Through Karyon's HealthCheck API an application can expose a REST endpoint for external monitoring to ping for health status or integrate with Eureka for service discovery registration based on instance health state. An instance can be in one of 4 lifecycle states: Starting, Running, Stopping and Stopped. HealthCheck state varies slightly in that it combines these application lifecycle states with the instance health to provide the following states: Starting, Healthy, Unhealthy or OutOfService.
* Starting - the application is healthy but not done bootstrapping
* Healthy - the application finished boostrapping and is functioning propertly
* Healthy - the application finished bootstrapping and is functioning properly
* Unhealthy - the application either failed bootstrapping or is not functioning properly
* OutOfService - the application has been shut down
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,18 +349,17 @@ Eureka Integration
First, add the following dependency
compile ''
compile '{karyon_version}'
Next add the EurekaModule from OSS eureka-client
new EurekaModule()
new EurekaModule()
Expand All @@ -384,24 +374,22 @@ Karyon3 doesn't offer any specific Jersey integration other the then existing Je
First, add the following dependency
compile 'com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-guice:1.18.1'
compile 'com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-guice:1.19'
Then simply add a JerseyServletModule implementation to the list of modules passed to Karyon
new JerseyServletModule() {
protected void configureServlets() {
new JerseyServletModule() {
protected void configureServlets() {
Expand All @@ -413,23 +401,20 @@ Karyon provides a mechanism to define and configure multiple RxNetty servers wit
To add RxNetty support
compile ''
compile '{karyon_version}'
To specify basic URL routes for an RxNetty Server
new RxNettyServerModule() {
protected void configureEndpoints() {
new RxNettyServerModule() {
protected void configureEndpoints() {
HelloWorldRequestHandler is a standard RxNetty request handler
Expand All @@ -456,15 +441,15 @@ karyon.httpserver.serverPort=7001
Qualified RxNetty servers makes it possible to expose services (such as admin) over other ports.
new RxNettyServerModule() {
protected void configureEndpoints() {
serve(FooServer.class, "/foo").with(FooRequestHandler.class);
new RxNettyServerModule() {
protected void configureEndpoints() {
serve(FooServer.class, "/foo").with(FooRequestHandler.class);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,4 +481,30 @@ TODO
To add JUnit support
compile '{karyon_version}'
Use KaryonRule to simplify testing and provide auto injector shutdown after the unit test completes. For example,
public class MyUnitTest {
{@literal @}Rule
public KaryonRule karyon = new KaryonRule(this);
{@literal @}Inject
SomeClassBeingTested obj;
{@literal @}Test
public void someTest() {
// Configuration the KaryonRule just like you would Karyon
// Once start is called field's of MyUnitTest will have been injected
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import javax.inject.Singleton;


* Adding AdminModule to the main injector will enable the admin endpoint
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Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractKaryonModule implements KaryonModule {
final public void configure(Karyon karyon) {
this.karyon = karyon;
this.karyon = null;
try {
finally {
this.karyon = null;

protected abstract void configure();
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