Bug Fixes
add webpack env data so that scripts can read it (#5817 ) (bc23679 )
android: emulator ini file parsing (#5824 ) (2f35b34 )
android: logging after app restart (#5815 ) (86d9f29 )
apple team id not being used when persisted to the platforms folder (#5821 ) (4176e98 )
ensure plugin path is defined to process configs (d96fde1 )
ios-device-lib compiled with arm and x64 (#5825 ) (9eac531 )
ios-mobileprovision-finder updates for profile location adjustments (ea0a138 )
ios-mobileprovision-finder updates for windows (c06e099 )
ns publish, apple authentication, appstore list (#5820 ) (5e381d4 )
windows: APPDATA required (#5823 ) (91eab28 )
build flag to append generated suffix to bundles (#5814 ) (d10b817 )
custom android-studio path to support nixos using new env.NATIVESCRIPT_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH (#5816 ) (661b653 )
ios: 'ns widget ios' for single command widget generator (#5829 ) (89d09d3 )
ios: allow collections of NativeSource to be included via nativescript.config (#5830 ) (daa567c )
ios: multi target support for swift packages (#5828 ) (2090491 )
plugins can now define their own nativescript.config for SPMPackage inclusion (#5826 ) (b2bad0c )
support solid with typescript template (1b6202d )
You can’t perform that action at this time.