State of the art for estimation of motion matrix involving pose estimation using mediapipe and dynamic time wrapping.
- Draw posture on frames using media pipe
- motion comparison and scoring using Dynamic Time Wraping
- Mediapipe:
- opencv
- dtaidistance
Bodytracking to compare two 5-second dance videos and generate a score.
This model is used to score motion and action using Dynamic Time Wraping and posture dectection. It can be used in various applications like dance training, gym tutor.
open terminal and type the following
$ git clone /~
$ cd motion_matrix_evaluation
$ python3 -m venv motion-env
$ source motion-env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
Final Score is : <score>
Naman Garg |
Made with ❤️ by Naman