In the early days of mankind it was possible to tap into the signals from IKEA's sparsnär energy meter and send them to Home-Assistant using a simple docker image from Tubalainen
But then the age of hassbian passed and mankind ventured onwards to hassos and thus dockers was no longer a viable option (sad face emoji)
But the dark ages lasted only a moment since the enlightened bphermansson created his code for the ESP_Sparsnas_gateway, a slightly magical thingymajig that instead of using a USB-Dongle use a ESP8266 and a reciever to send the measured values by mqtt do your chosen destination... just like magic!
Well you don't need a pcb... but then again there are a lot of things that we don't need but the geeky heart want its fiddly little thingies to show off.
If you don't want a PCB here's bphermansson's scheme for connecting all the cables!
Right... so now that we've concluded that you don't need a PCB but rather that you really want one to make it easier...
Just order the PCB's from any online shop of your choosing. Personally I prefer Seeed studio and you can even find the uploaded files by clicking here so just click, click, click and get your own PCB! You need a few moore parts to tough:
- PCB (doh)
- NodeMCU v3 (bigger footprint then v2)
- Adafruit RFM69HCW Transceiver Radio Breakout
- 100nF Capacitor (C1)
- 1000uF Capacitor (C2) Must have 3.5mm legdistance
- 100uH Induktor (L1)
- Power Plug
- Female SMA for PCB mount (or just a 8cm cable as antenna)
- 868MHz SMA Antenna
Ok, time to get the party started... this is how the PCB looks
Now add all the components and it should look something like this:
And then just plug in the ESP and the radiocard, plug it into your computer and flash the firmware according to the instructions.
Now just flash the firmware according to bphermansson's instructions and you're all set!