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| ~Version 1.0 (31/03/2020)~ |
| ~David Byrne (dbyrne@noc.ac.uk)~ |
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This is the NEMO configuration used to generate Version 1.0 of the NOC global tide dataset. The output from this NEMO configuration was used alongside data assimilation techniques to create a global dataset of tidal harmonic amplitudes and phases at 1/12 degree resolution. This repository contains the required NEMO files to install and run this configuration. The repository contains:
/ARCH/ - Architecture files used to run NEMO on ARCHER (now out of date).
/EXP00/ - Default experiment directory. This is a copy of the files in EXP_R12.
/EXP_R12/ - Experiment directory for the 1/12-degree configuration.
/EXP_R025/ - Experiment directory for the 1/4-degree configuration.
/WORK/ - Base NEMO source code used for the configuration. This is based on the GO8p0.1 configuration and uses NEMO version 4.0.
/MY_SRC/ - Modified NEMO source code files used for this specific configuration. More information below.
/cpp_GTM.sh/ - compile options for NEMO configuration.
Overview. Changes are to to do with updating the tidal forcing code slightly (according to [/~https://github.com/NOC-MSM/NEMO_cfgs/blob/master/recipes/docs/source/FES2014_NEMO.rst]), switching off surface fluxes and tracer processes as well the introduction as a basic internal wave drag parameterization from [reference]. Nico's changes are marked in the code with NB. My changes are marked with DB:.
By file:
- tide.h90 :: Updated tidal potential forcing values (e.g. equilibrium tide amplitude). Data for more harmonic constituents than base NEMO. Should match the FES2014 dataset.
- tide_mod.F90 :: Updated nodal factor equation for some harmonics.
- sbctide.F90 :: Tidal potential equation for long period tides (previously not included).
- dynspg_ts.F90 :: Reads tidal dissipation input array and applies to bottom friction component.
- step.F90 :: Applies constant density by switching off calls to e.o.s, buoyancy frequency, tracer processes.