This is the PDS API implementation which provides access to the PDS registries (see /~ When operational the API service will be part of the registry application. It implements a very simple collections and product search end-point complying with the specification (see
For more information, please visit
This software requires open jdk 11.
Get the latest stable release /~
Download the zip or tar.gz file.
Follow instructions in README.txt in the decompressed folder
Get a development release by cloning the current repository.
If needed change server port and elasticSearch parameters in src/main/resources/
Note, the registry index in elasticSearch is hard-coded. It need to be registry
mvn clean
mvn install
mvn spring-boot:run
👉 Note: in order to run in this way, you will need to modify the spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
dependency by pinning it to version 1.5.1.RELEASE
and excluding the logback-classic
artifact in the pom.xml
file as follows:
Go to rest api documentation:
Test the simple collection end-point:
A demo server is deployed on
You can browse self documented server or you can use postman to test it.
Postman is a tool which enable to manage collection of HTTP API requests, share and run them.
Install postman desktop application
Download the latest request collection from postman collection
Then you import the collection file, on the top-left: Import > File
You also need to set an environment variable the base url of the demo API:
baseUrl =
See guidelines on
- You can browse the collection and run the requests one by one or run the full collection at once.
Have a registry deployed, for example with docker as described in /~
docker image build --build-arg version=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
--file docker/Dockerfile.local \
--tag registry-api-service:$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
The /absolute/path/to/my/properties.file
should be configured to access your registry's elasticsearch instance with: es:9200
docker container run --name registry-api-service \
--network pds \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--rm \
--volume /absolute/path/to/my/properties.file:/usr/local/registry-api-service-$(git rev-parse HEAD)/src/main/resources/ \
registry-api-service:$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- build local git version
- run image as below and restart when code has changed and want to test again
docker container run --interactive \
--name registry-api-service \
--network pds \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--rm \
--tty \
--user $UID \
--volume $(realpath ${PWD}):/usr/local/registry-api-service-$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
registry-api-service:$(git rev-parse HEAD) bash
- Run maven as desired such as
mvn spring-boot:run
to run your local copy ormvn install
to build it. Rinse and repeat as needed.