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Releases: N-R-K/NRK-Mono


12 May 01:20
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  • The ttf files are no longer checked into the git repo.
  • The font patching/building is now done through a series of scripts.
  • Condensed version is back.
  • Changed g to the googly variant.
  • Patched u more comprehensively. The previous version only patched the ASCII u and left different variants (such as ù) untouched.

(Follow these instructions if you don't know how to extract a .tar.zst file.)


10 May 00:59
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This update brings a lot of breaking changes:

  • Updated from JetBrains Mono v2.001 to v2.304.
    • The Win {Ascent,Descent} properties have been adjusted to workaround the increased line height issue. This may cause problems with certain glyphs.
    • If the new version seems more condensed than the previous, then you might need to slightly increase your font size (e.g from 13 to 13.15).
    • The f was reverted to an older version, which you might or might not like.
  • Updated to Nerd Font v3.0.0.
    • Nerd font v3.0.0 made a lot of breaking changes to their icon code-points. If you are missing icons after updating, you'll need to update your icons to the new nerd-font code-points.
  • Dropped the "Condensed" variant.

(Follow these instructions if you don't know how to extract a .tar.zst file.)


10 May 00:59
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Initial release of NRK Mono.

This is a modified version of JetBrains Mono based on v2.001. The reason for choosing v2.001 is due to the line height issue on later versions.

Some notable changes compared JetBrains Mono are:

  • Patched with Nerd-Font-Patcher (search for FontPatcher).
  • Slashed zero instead of dotted one.
  • Smaller case u has been replaced with u from DejaVu Sans Mono.
  • All non-alphanumeric ascii chars have medium thickness.
  • Additional Condensed (-6%) version for better utilizing horizontal screen space.
  • Additional glyphs from v2.242 merged in (might cause some issues).

(Follow these instructions if you don't know how to extract a .tar.zst file.)