HIV-1 Reservoirs Integration Sites
Clone GitHub repository
Copy .env.TEMPLATE to .env
Generate a secret key and put into .env
update docker-compose.yml lines 11 and 31 to change the PostgreSQL password from mypassword to something more secure. The password must match in both places
Add ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 Add Homo_sapiens.gene_info_modified.tsv Add chr_accessions_GRCh38_modified.tsv
Set ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 as primary
Link ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> Dbxref with
- Homo_sapiens.gene_info_modified.tsv -> GeneID
Link ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> seqid with
- chr_accessions_GRCh38_modified.tsv -> RefSeq Accession.version
- Genome Species = Homo Sapiens
- Genome Version = GRCh38.p2
Set up import fields:
Gene Type
- Gene Type Name = Homo_sapiens.gene_info_modified.tsv -> type_of_gene
Feature Type
- Feature Type Name = ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> featuretype
- Feature Name = ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> Name
- External Gene ID = Split Field, Homo_sapiens.gene_info_modified.tsv -> GeneID, Using Character -> :, keeping value in position -> 2
Feature Location
- Chromosome = chr_accessions_GRCh38_modified.tsv -> Chromosome
- Landmark = ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> seqid
- Feature Start = ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> start
- Feature End = ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> end
- Feature Orientation = ref_GRCh38.p2_top_level.gff3 -> strand
Add ISDB_Data.csv
Set up import fields:
Genome Version
- Genome Version Name: Select "GRCh38.p2" under "Values from Genome Version Name"
Data Set
- Data Set Name: data_set_name
- Publication Pubmed ID: publication_pubmed_id
Data Set Source
- Document Pubmed ID: document_pubmed_id
- Document Uri: document_uri
- Subject Identifier: subject_identifier
Subject Data
- Click "Unused"
Sample *Sample Name: Set to "No Data"
Sample Data
- date
- Select "culture" from drop down
- Click "Add"
- Select "culture" from dropdown in Key column
- Repeat for
- culture_day
- date
- disease
- genbank
- original_id
- provirus_activity
- pubmed_id
- replicates
- tissue
- tissue_url
- type
- visit
- years_on_art
- date
- Preparation Description: preparation_description
Sequencing Method
- Sequencing Method Name: Set to "No Data"
- Sequencing Method Description: Set to "No Data"
Integration Environment
- Integration Environment Name: integration_environment_name
- Integration Name: Set to "No Data"
- Ltr: ltr
- Multiple Integration: Set to "No Data"
- Multiple Integration Count: Set to "No Data"
- Sequence: sequence
- Junction 5P: junction_5p
- Junction 3P: Set to "No Data"
- Sequence Name: sequence_name
- Sequence Uri: sequence_uri
- Ltr Sequence: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Sequence: Set to "No Data"
- Umi Sequence: Set to "No Data"
- Ltr Sequence 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Sequence 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Umi Sequence 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Ltr Sequence 3p: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Sequence 3p: Set to "No Data"
- Umi Sequence 3P: Set to "No Data"
- Provirus Sequence: Set to "No Data"
- Replicate: Set to "No Data"
- Replicates: Set to "No Data"
- Note: note
Integration Location
- Landmark: "Translate Chromosome To Ascession ID" Chromosome: landmark
- Location: location
- Breakpoint Landmark: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Location: Set to "No Data"
- Landmark 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Location 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Landmark 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Location 5P: Set to "No Data"
- Landmark 3P: Set to "No Data"
- Location 3p: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Landmark 3P: Set to "No Data"
- Breakpoint Location 3P: Set to "No Data"
- Orientation In Landmark: orientation_in_landmark
Blast Info
- Identity: identity
- Q Start: q_start
- Gaps: gaps
- Score: Set to "No Data"
Run management command "process_after_import"
root@b7b166e095bd:/hiris# ./ process_after_import