Its a rageMP gamemode MySQL/Nodejs/React JS based on unionrp gamemode , translated in English & Open source!
Unpack the archive into any folder
- Open the command line and prescribe npm install
- Wait for packages to be installed
- Transfer server files to your folder (server.exe, etc.)
- Rename packages/union-rp/modules/DB_example.js to DB.js
- Rename packages/union-rp/modules/mailSender_example.js to mailSender.js
- Rename packages/union-rp/config_example.js to config.js
- Check in with gmail/union-rp/modules/mailSender.js
- In your mail settings, you should include the "Unreliable Apps" feature that has access to your account. Ready
Chat code for admin issuance:
(Change it as you wish)
Admins' console on the key ~
You can make pull request in order to help and translate this from Russian in English, or if you want to add something new.
I'm not the owner of this release, if you want to help the owner of this release go to and make sure you make a nice gift!
- Change inventory size when you buy new clothes
- Translate terminal cmds from database
- Translate achievements from database
- Translate map blip name
Landing page
Characters list
Character creator
Main Menu
Key Mapping