- A button with hidden style to showing application's name for opening GrelinTB's website.
- A button with hidden style to showing version for opening current version's changelog.
- A button with hidden style to opening developer's website.
- A button with hidden style to opening a window which showing license.
- A button with hidden style to opening a window which showing credit.
- A button to controling updates. If new version available, get the changelogs of the new version and update to new version.
- A button to resetting GrelinTB.
- A button to uninstalling GrelinTB.
- A label to show what the following setting is.
- A list to changing theme (GrelinTB, random, dark blue, blue, green).
- A label to show what the following setting is.
- A list to changing appearance (system, light, dark).
- A label to show what the following setting is.
- A list to changing language (English, Turkish).
- A button to showing status. If some processes are working, it opens a new window for displaying all processes with time if not it shows a warning message.
- Showing various informations (weather forecast, system, hardware usages, fans, tempatures, battery) and refreshing these informations.
- Creating (only for notes), editing, renaming, restoring (only for notes), deleting notes and documents.
- Packages (DEB / RPM / EOPKG / Pacman and Flatpak): Searching, installing, reinstalling, uninstalling and updating recommend or any packages.
- Desktop Environments, Window Managers & Compotisors: Installing, reinstalling, uninstalling and updating some desktop environemtns, window managers and compotisors.
- Scripts (APT & DPKG / DNF / EOPKG / Pacman and Flatpak): Updating all packages, synchronizing distribution (only for APT & DPKG / DNF), cleaning package cache (only for APT & DPKG / DNF / EOPKG / Pacman), removing unnecessary packages, fixing broken dependencies (only for APT & DPKG / Pacman), repairing Flatpak installation (only for Flatpak), showing history, listing installed packages and listing leaves (only for DNF).
- Systemd Services: Getting the status of any service or enabling, disabling, starting and stopping it.
- Configuring Bashrc and Zshrc.
- Changing the name of the computer.
- Showing some informations about some distributions.
- Making simple math operations (basic calcer).
- GrelinTB can auto detect tr_TR locale when there is no config related with language setting. If locale tr_TR, set GrelinTB's language Turkish. If not set GrelinTB's language English.
- GrelinTB can synchronize with the system theme (dark or light) when appearance setted to system.
- GrelinTB checks updates every Monday.
- Some parameters for terminal. Tip: Help page for all parameters:
grelintb -h
- Warning: Install the following, although they usually come already installed: wget, sudo
- For Fedora Linux based distributions, install the RPM package at the top with clicking to it.
- For Debian GNU/Linux, Solus and Arch Linux based distributions, type the following into the terminal:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MuKonqi/grelintb/main/install-grelintb.sh ; chmod +x install-grelintb.sh ; sudo ./install-grelintb.sh ; rm install-grelintb.sh
- GrelinTB's UI is good and simpler. MetterXP has very bad UI and it is buggy.
- GrelinTB's window's size isn't fixed, it can flow any value bigger than 960x540.
- GrelinTB doesn't have so many themes but it has light and dark mode with 3 theme option.
- GrelinTB can detect system theme and tr_TR locale.
- GrelinTB supports Arch Linux based distributions but MetterXP doesn't.
- GrelinTB doesn't supports Solus based distributions.
- GrelinTB provides a RPM file.
- GrelinTB's codes are really more optimize because it is coded from scratch with object oriented programming. MetterXP wasn't coded from scratch so it has very remnats because it is based on BetterXP and BetterXP based on Terminalden kurtulun.
- Let's give a ⭐ (star) to GrelinTB!
- Copyright © 2024 MuKonqi (Muhammed S.)
- GNU General Public License, Version 3.0 or later
- Google Material Symbols (for application icon)