Financial Spreading Info Extraction detects finance related tables like balance sheet, cash flow, income statement etc. and extracts the content as key value pairs. The solution uses text matching, NLP and Machine Learning to localize and identify financial tables and extract information. This will help banks, and other financial institutions to rapidly analyse borrowers'/clients' financial standings and associated risks.
Automate financial spreading information extraction from company's digital financial statements. This reduces manual effort for a non-value added activity and improves the productivity of financial analysts, insurance brokers, data entry operators.
This solution uses key word matching, NLP and Machine Learning to accurately identify tables in digital documents. It can recognise assets/liabilities, income sources and expense line items. The output will contain list of pages with content, financial periods and key metrics mapped to respective financial terms.
Mphasis DeepInsights is a cloud-based cognitive computing platform that offers data extraction & predictive analytics capabilities. Need Customized Deep learning and Machine Learning Solutions? Get in Touch!
The product can be found here