A work in progress pairing to Mindat.org, but for material science / synthesis in-general
If you want to contribute or test things on your own, you can fork the repository and run the various commands below in the root of the project:
- Automatically generates all pages for materials / synthesisgenmats
- Only regenerates material pagesgensyns
- Only regenerates synthesis pages
- Deploys the site to firebase (Only for my use. It won't do anything)
The main "database" is stored in two json files:
Editing these and running the generate
command will update the pages with any changes.
This embed will explain how everything works:
// Next Available ID. Used as reference to know when it was created / Which came before and after it.
// If there are 30 materials in the api, then the highest ID is 29. Next ID will be 30.
// This is because it starts at 0. 0 being corundum, the first material.
"id": #,
"label": "Display Name",
"aliases": "Trade Name, Historical Name, or Variety Name",
"desc": "This is a long article displayed in the page.",
// Synthesis IDs coorespond to types in Synthesis.json
"synthesis": ["czok", "vern"],
// Chemical and Physical properties
"chem_prop": {
"chemical": "Chemical Name Here",
// Formula Example: Al2O3 = Al_2_O_3_
"formula": "Element _Subscript_ Spaces",
// Optional property which enables molecular weight calculation based on formula
"genmol": true or false,
// Mohs Hardness. All min/max values share properties.
// Make both the same value to display it singular.
// Different values will display a range on the site.
// Values that support "?" are always used if expected.
// The question mark denotes that it's needed but not known.
"mohs_min": "?" or #,
"mohs_max": "?" or #,
// Specific Gravity.
"grav_min": "?" or #,
"grav_max": "?" or #,
// Use melting point or decomposition point.. Not both.
// Exclude if not known. Only use celcius.
"melt_pnt": #,
"decp_pnt": #,
// Optical Properties.
// You may remove all properties and input "opt": "opaque"
// if the material is opaque in the visible spectrum.
"optic_prop": {
// Optical Type. Related to Crystal System
"type": "Uniaxial (+ or - or ?), Biaxial (+ or - or ?), Isometric, etc",
// Refractive index.
// Use arrays for non-isometric materials with axis-specific RIs
// For unixial and co. [x, y] coorespond to [nω, nε] // Ordinary and Extraordinary
// For biaxial and co. [x, y, z] coorespond to [nα, nβ, nγ] // Alpha Beta Gamma
"ref_min": "?" or # or [#, #] or [#, #, #],
"ref_max": "?" or # or [#, #] or [#, #, #],
// Birefringence Factor. Exclude for Isometric materials.
"bir_min": "?" or #,
"bir_max": "?" or #,
// Dispersion Factor.
"disp_min": "?" or #,
"disp_max": "?" or #
// Crystal Properties.
"cry_prop": {
// Crystal System. Related to Optical Type.
"system": "Isotropic, Hexagonal, Orthrombic, etc",
// Use if mineral species has a parent group / series / etc
"parent": "Example Mineral Group"
// Additional Properties of Significance.
// Use Single Values or Arrays.
"add_prop": [
// Inherent / material-specific properties
["Inherent", ["Piezoelectric", "Pyroelectric", "Thermoluminescent", "Paramagnetic"]]
// Can use tiny description or values for arrays.
["Fluorescent", "Blue (XRay-UVB)"]
// Other custom properties follow the same structure
// This will change the page slightly.
// Also creates a link to the mindat page of that ID.
"minID": ####,
// Intrinsic Material State. Optional if not known.
"neutral": {
// All properties below are optional.
"color": "Colorless", // Material Color
// Only use if a `neut.jpg` exists in the material's content folder.
"imgsrc": "Persons Name, URL" or "Unknown"
// All doped Variants / Colors. Optional if not known.
// Similar structure to neutral... just as an array of them.
"variants": [
// Label must be a trade or industry name... Or Mineral Variety...
// Or an otherwise important label for the variant.
// All properties below are optional.
"label": "Variant One",
"color": "Red", // Material Color
// Cause is the direct reason the variant exists / differs.
"cause": "<Element> Ions, Vacancies, Inclusions, etc",
// Include Effect only if its significant.
"effect": "Asterism, Pleochroism, etc",
// Significant Industrial Use.
"usage": "Specialty Lasers",
// Only use if a `var#.jpg` exists in the material's content folder.
// `var#.jpg` cooresponds to this variant's position in the array.
// Since this is the first variant, itd be `var0.jpg`
"imgsrc": "Persons Name, URL" or "Unknown"
// References are important for keeping track of sources for information used to get material info
"references": [
["What the Reference covers", "Reference Name", "URL"]